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He had asked her to meet him at his workbench when she was done with training, there was something that he couldn't figure out, but didn't want to bother Rose to fix, she was still healing after all.

It was late, but that didn't bother her.

When she reached his workbench, he wasn't there-but his droid was, who beeped excitedly at the sight of her. "Hello B.B." She said bending down to run her hands over his smooth metal surface. The astromech beeped happily as he extended his arm out to her. She raised a brow as she held out her hand for it to drop something into her hand. "What's this?"

The claw opened and in her hand dropped a small ring of some sort. It wasn't a mechanical piece or anything, it looked like the decorative pieces of jewelry that General Leia wore on her hands. She ran a fingers over the smooth surface, it seemed familiar-like she had seen it a million times before but she couldn't place exactly where in her memory it came from. "Where did you find this?"

B.B. gave the astromech equivalent of a shrug as it whirred it's answer. "On the floor?" She asked and B.B. nodded its head. Rey looked over at it, normally the small unit was forthcoming with information but today, it seemed to be acting weird. Maybe Poe changed a setting or something. She looked over the ring again, it had a smooth silver surface that looked battered, from years of abuse from the wearer. "I bet whoever lost this is worried...." She started before coming intrigued by the small ring, BB-8 beeped something but she missed it.

The inside of the ring had an inscription, also worn down to the point she couldn't make it out what it once said.

It was beautiful, not that she had much to go by.

She had never worn jewelry before and she slid it onto her finger to admire it against her pale skin. It fit perfectly against her narrow finger and glistened in the light and B.B. whistled its approval.


Poe's heart raced.

His mother's ring was missing, he had discovered the broken chain when he changed from his flight suit after his rounds. He tried to rack his brain to remember the last time he saw it, was it this morning when he woke up? He cursed himself for being complacent.

The thought of losing his mother's ring, who has been with him since her death, made him sick. He made a promise to her, to his father, to himself, that he would give it to someone special-someone who he would love as his father loved his mother.

It was gone.

He retraced his steps, but in his panic he wasn't thinking clearly. It was a huge base and it could be anywhere. Did he see it this morning when he woke up? Did he lose it yesterday?

Then he would tear the base apart brick by brick until he found it.

He walked in the direction his droid had rolled off to, presumably to find his favorite person in the galaxy, Rey. Which was where he was supposed to be anyway, he was supposed to meet her fifteen minutes ago.

And when turned the corner into the hangar that they claimed as workspace, his racing heart stopped when he saw her wearing his mother's ring on her finger. Suddenly the sick feeling was replaced with an imaginary fist into his gut. It looked as if it belonged on her left ring finger.

She held it up to her face to examine it closer against her skin when she caught sight of him, standing awkwardly with he jaw open. "There you are." She said with a smile, before it faded slightly. "Are you okay?" He must have looked disheveled, or panicked, or probably both. He tended to run his fingers through his hair when he was stressed.

"... mm fine." He couldn't get words to come out of his mouth. The sight of her wearing his mother's ring took his breath away. Poe knew he should clear his throat and try again, but he was absolutely stunned.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2018 ⏰

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