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"Like...Donquixote," Ace paused unsure if he should finish the question, "Doflamingo the Shichibukai?"

Rosinante gaped, eyes wide and dropped to the foot of your bed.

<You know Doffy? He's a Shichibukai?>

"Saw him recently." Ace recalled, "But I didn't know him."

You clapped your hands gaining the attention of all three men, "What?"

<He's from our world.> Ace typed.

<Pirates?> the blond interrupted.

Thatch lifted his shirt and tugged at his jeans revealing a tattoo of a jolly roger with a white crescent shaped mustache on his hip.

"Whitbeard." Ace confirmed.

Rosinante was brimming with excitement. His fingers couldn't seem to keep up with his racing thoughts.

<When you saw Doffy...did you see the family? One boy in particular...well he'd be a man now.>

"Family?" Ace quirked a brow, "I don't think so. What man?"

<Trafalgar Law. I'm sure Doffy took him.>

"Oh... The Surgeon of Death." Thatch confirmed remembering the man's wanted poster.

<What?!> Rosinante  gestured frantically.
"He's the captain of the Heart pirates." Ace added.

The blond's expression fell as his brows knit. He was happy that Law had survived and was not connected to the family or so it seemed. But he was also a little disappointed that he became a pirate with such an aggressively haunting epithet.
A small smile bent his lips realizing he'd called his crew the Heart pirates which seemed to be a clear nod to his code name. He hadn't played over those last memories with the boy from Flevance in such a long time. It hurt too much knowing he'd failed him.

After collecting himself and getting settled with you, Ace, Grace and Thatch he told his story. You sat back wondering just how many people lived among you from that world. And why did it seem they all landed in Portland?

<It seems something happened with my devil fruit when I crossed over. Since then I've been mute. Doctors haven't been able to explain it. I just can't make a sound.> he sighed and continued to type, <For the last fourteen years I've been teaching sign language to help ease others into this life.>

"Thanks for sharing with us." Grace smiled politely.

<I'm so sorry it seems I've taken up all of our time.> Rosinante frowned, <F/N, you'll be released in two days. Once you're settled at home I'll come by for two hour lessons three days a week. I'll email you the schedule.>

You smiled and nodded as the blond stood.


Four days after being discharged, you laid awake staring at the ceiling with Ace enveloping you. His head resting on your chest, you could feel the vibration of his snores. It was strange and frustrating only being able to remember the sound of his voice, hearing it ring though your mind but not your ears. You hoped you wouldn't forget the smooth deep tone, especially his laugh and his sultry timbre you'd only just been introduced to. Your favorite song, babies laughing, Kuma's playful woofs, none of that compared to Ace.

Suddenly the raven in question was shifting to lean over you a concerned look in his eyes. His right hand came up to thumb away tears you hadn't realized were falling.

"I'm ok." you managed to whisper, though it was obvious to him you weren't.

He rolled over to get his tablet sparing you the closeness you were desperate for. Having to use a device to communicate wasn't helping your mental state. All you had to do before was lie there and talk. Hearing your defeated sigh Ace placed the tablet in your lap and sat up against the pillows before gently pulling you between his legs to rest your back against his chest. Reaching around you he picked up the tablet and began to type while resting his chin on your shoulder.

He Fell From The Sky [[ Portgas D Ace X Reader ]]Where stories live. Discover now