Chapter Two :)

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“Is Sophie not catching the bus today?” Harry asked.

“Not today, her fathers in town.” I replied.

We sat in silence for a bit waiting for the bus home.

“Harry?” I said, breaking the silence, “Have you ever been in love?”

He looked up at me and raised his eyebrows, “No, I haven’t found the right person yet.”

“I don’t know what love feels like. Like, I think I love Liam, but I’m still not sure. It could just be a high school crush or something.”

Harry shrugged, “The fact that you have held onto him for so many years- well I think that’s telling you something.”  

I pondered that thought for a while until the bus came. We both hopped on and of course sat beside each other as usual. Liam and his group of friends sat several seats behind us on the very back seat of the bus as normal. One thing I noticed was that unlike every other day, Lucy was not sitting beside Liam on the back seat; in fact, she was nowhere to be found on the bus.

Harry and I always had a conversation going to last us right up until his stop. His stop was numerous stops before mine and because Sophie hadn’t caught the bus today, I sat alone. I put in my earphones and completely zoned out.

After a few songs had gone by, I felt a tap on my shoulder. I almost had a heart attack when I turned around to find that it was Liam tapping my shoulder.

“Ah, hi,” I mumbled quietly.

“Hello, Aleesia.” He smiled.

It was one of those moments where I actually thought I must have fallen asleep on the bus and I was dreaming. But this wasn’t a dream. Liam Payne was talking to me. He was actually taking notice of me.

“I, ugh, I’m Liam.” He pointlessly said, I knew who he was. “I sat beside you in study…”

“I know.” I almost choked.

“Well, erhm, I…” He began, “I was wondering if I’ve done anything wrong to you?”

So many things were screaming inside my head that I felt like saying, but instead I suddenly replied, “No way! Why’s that?”

He glanced away for a moment and then looked back, “Oh, well I was just confused with why you acted so strange today… in study?”

“Oh, nah, I had to use the bathroom…” I lied.

“But then I saw your left wrist…” He argued. “See, it’s still there now?”

“What are you talking about?” I was genuinely confused. At that exact moment I remembered the scribble that Harry had done on my wrist. Just because I couldn’t read it, didn’t mean Liam couldn’t either. I panicked slightly.

“Aleesia, you’re unaware of what it says?”

“I can’t read it, my friend Harry wrote it!” I shrieked.

“It says ‘Liam Payne 2000-2012 and still nothing’.” He said softly. I could have died of humiliation.

“I’m going to kill him,” I said under my breath.

Liam laughed and sat down properly next to me.

“I didn’t know you liked me… that’s cute.”

“Yea, well it doesn’t matter, you have a girlfriend.”

“I do, I love her…”

I wanted to cry. Not only was I seeing him love her, I had just heard it with my own ears.

“Well, this is my stop. I’ll catch you later?” He smiled again, hopped up and left.

I faked a smile and waved gently. The first thing I would have to do when I got home is call Harry.                                                                                                            


Short chapter, sorry :/ It gets better, trust me :P Comments? xx 

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