Chapter Two

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English was finally over, and Breanna immediately left the class to look for Niana with the short amount of time she had in the halls. She found it unusual, and a tad annoying, that Niana texted her to mention Todd of all people wouldn't stop flirting with Halie, and then never texted her back.

Breanna arrived at the place in the hallway the two always met, which was next to a janitor closet the school didn't use anymore, and waited. Halie never went this way, so Breanna knew she had to wait until lunch or the last class of the day to see her. She had completely forgotten about the last class of the day, her history class, until now and was starting to become nervous thinking about it. The entire group was in that class, and while it was her favorite class on any other day, they had a big presentation today. And she had no clue how that would go anymore.

Two minutes passed, three more before she would get another late. Breanna knew her gym teacher was laid back and didn't usually report lates, so she wasn't too worried. Besides, she was dying to know what was going on with everyone. First Halie, and now Niana has gone rogue? She leaned back against the wall and stared at the masses of people going right by her. "It's only been twenty minutes without a text from Niana, and i'm acting like it's the end of the world." She said to herself, taking out her phone one last time. As she was about to give up and head to gym, she was surprised to see Leo in her face.

"Did you hear what happened to Niana?!" he asked, with Breanna moving her face back to get some space.

"Something happened to her...?" the girl slowly replied, wondering if she heard him correctly.

"Everyone in that art class said she went out cold! Fell face-down into the ground." Leo yelled, making sure she heard him while the hallway was still loud.


Breanna felt her heart drop. "She just...passed out?" She asked, wanting to know more. All day she has been asking questions with no answers, and she was getting tired of it.

"No one knows, but Nick thinks otherwise. He thinks that someone hit her." Leo said, "and he's mad.". As serious as this was, Breanna could never fully trust anything Leo said. He's always been one to make things sound more fascinating then they are, and she personally saw him as the jester of the group. Although, she knew he was serious when need be.

"Wouldn't everyone that was there know because they saw it firsthand? And there would be some scar if she was hit that hard, right?" Breanna asked, praying he wasn't right.

"I don't know, it's what Nick said. You know how he feels about her." Leo responded. Breanna did not know how he felt about her. "Anyway, I gotta go." he stated after looking at his watch, then left as the sound of the bell went off.

Breanna made her way to gym, didn't even bother going to the locker room, and headed straight to the lonely edge of the bleachers. It would be the first day of the year she didn't get dressed for gym, but she didn't care right now. She just wanted to see Halie.

Leo arrived at his math class late and saw that there was a substitute teacher. He let out a sigh of relief as he wouldn't get any kind of detention, made a comment in his head about how he used up all his luck for the day, and then took a seat next to lonely Nick.

"Hey, I just had to tell Brea about what happened." Leo said to Nick, whose eyes lit up after finishing that sentence.

"Did she know anything about it? I know Halie's in that class too." Nick questioned, wanting to know as much as he can.

"I don't think she even knew it happened until I told her..." Leo said, being honest with what he saw.

"Oh...why doesn't she just ask Halie about it then?" Nick fired back.

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⏰ Last updated: May 02, 2018 ⏰

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