chapter 2

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chapter 2

Alice's p.o.v

I stepped off the stage and walked towards the bar , today had been a rough day and all I wanted was a drink preferably something with alcohol in it "vodka and coke please" I asked jerry the owner of the pub, he smiled at me "that's £1.20 love" I fumbled in my pocket looking for some change when a voice interrupted me "don't worry I'll get it " I turned to where the voice was coming from, wow this boy was gorgeous he had brown tousled hair, bright blue eyes and a heart breaking smile. I quickly composed myself and thanked him " I'm Alice" I said giving him a small wave he chuckled "Louis" he said offering me his hand which I gladly shook "you have an amazing voice" I looked down slightly embarrassed and mumbled a thank you. I looked up into his eyes and he seemed slightly dazed "are you okay" I asked concerned " I'm fine ... I was just wondering have you ever heard of one direction"

Louis p.o.v

"have you ever heard of one direction" I said praying this would go well. I watched as confusion spread over her face "the boy band" I nodded "I've heard a few of their songs n in fact I used to know one of them" this surprised me "which one" " Niall, we used to live next to each other but we lost contact years ago when I moved, I couldn't even tell what he looked like now" "oh, well the thing is I'm part of the band" I waited for her response she seemed sceptical but gave me the benefit of the doubt "I don't mean to sound rude but what has that got to do with me Louis" I smiled and looked into her eyes which I could now see were a bluish gray colour " I have a business offer for you"

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ash x

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2014 ⏰

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