Chapter 1: Where else to run?

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My chest rises as I breath heavily. I know almost every city, of almost every state. There is just no stopping him. He's a psycho path that will kill to get what he wants.

Which at the moment, is me.


I've tried to live a normal life, but he keeps finding me. When will I be free of his grasp? 

All these thoughts run through my head as I look out the window of a diner in Las Angeles. Hush voices carry on through my thoughts. The satisfying sizzle from the grill from the kitchen makes me smile. A bell echos throughout the building. 

I've been in this tiny town for the last few weeks, the longest I have been in a town since I ran away. I've committed crimes to get away. Mainly just stealing identities. But nothing throws him off.


I look up and and see a woman with kind eyes. She looked no older than 16. She momentarily scared me but then for some reason, I was relaxed.

"Hi." I respond looking back down. 

"Are you okay?" I jump at the touch of her hand on my shoulder. I looked at her hand, then up into her eyes. Mine started to tear up. I hadn't felt this kind of love in a while. No one has ever asked me that question while I was o the run.

She looks at me with a kind but sad smile. She could see I was close to crying but I didn't care. The woman sat next to me and hugged me tightly. Which, of course, made me start to sob uncontrollably.

When she realized that I couldn't get a word out, she started to talk. "Do you need a place to stay?" "Is there any way I can help?" All I could only respond with shaking and nodding my head.

Finally, after I couldn't cry anymore, she pulled me up and took me to her car.

"Now, you listen here, I'm going to take you to my home, and fix you up a real nice cup of coco and a bowl of soup. You look starving. After words, you will shower, and I will give you some nice new clothes, alright?" I nodded and cried some more. "Alright now, lets go."

I couldn't get into her car without her help. I must've been a mess, but thankfully, she didn't say anything about it.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2018 ⏰

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