Chapter 22

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I walked downstairs to see Meghan decorating the house like a birthday party. Streamers danced across the ceiling, and draping down was a huge paper sign that read 'Welcome home, David!'
"Meghan," I spoke cautiously, "What is all this?"
"A welcome home party for David, duh." She hung up another streamer.
"But what if David doesn't come home today?"
"Then we leave it up till tomorrow."
"What if he's not here tomorrow, either?"
"Then... We leave it up till whenever he gets back, okay? He said he'd be home soon. It can't be to much longer."
I sighed and plopped down on the couch, "Have you heard from him yet?"
"No," She sighed, "But it's only been a day. We'll probably hear from him today," She squealed, "I'm so excited!"
I smiled at her enthusiasm. At least David was okay. Although, I couldn't help but still feel sad. I haven't heard anything about Shane's operation.
"Aren't you happy?" She sat down next to me.
"I haven't heard from Shane."
"Oh. Right."
"Look I'm excited that David is okay, I really am. It's just..."
"You want Shane to be okay, too," She finished for me.
"Oh, Joey. Why did this have to happen to you?"
I choked back tears. Why did it have to be me? Looking back at everything, it doesn't even seem possible. How could so much shit happen in such a short period of time?
"Do you... Do you think I will ever be the same person I was before?"
"No," She admitted, "After everything you've been through you'll never be the optimistic, happy Joey you were before. But you'll get better."
I nodded. I knew that this would change me. I knew that it would change my life forever.
She placed her hand on mine, "I'll always be here for you, Joey. I swear I will."
"Thanks. I-" I stopped talking. My phone was vibrating in my pocket. I pulled it out and answered.
"Joey Graceffa?" A monotone voice was speaking to me.
"Yes. Who is this?"
"This is Nurse Debra from the hospital. You may want to come to hospital."
Oh God. Shane.
"Why? What's wrong?"
"We'll explain it when you arrive. Have you talked to Ms. Camarena today?"
I swallowed hard, "Y-yes."
"Bring her too."
The phone slipped out of my hand.
"Joey, who was that?"
My heart was pounding. My hands got sweaty. I had to keep wiping them on my shorts.
Oh God.
Oh my God.
Oh God, oh God, oh God.
"Th-the hospital. They want us to go there. They won't tell me what's wrong."
Her face lit up, "Maybe David's coming home!" Of course that's what she thinks of.
"Or," I spoke bitterly, "Shane died."
"Why would they want me to come if Shane died?"
"I don't know," I spoke through gritted teeth, "Because I'm fucking mess?"
She turned her gaze from mine, "I'm sorry. Let... Let's go."
I bit my lip as I followed her to the car. I shouldn't have snapped at her. Maybe she was right. Maybe David was coming home. The thought was enough to lift my spirits up just a little bit.
The hospital gives me anxiety. I've been to the hospital more times this month than I thought I would go in a lift time. And now, as I stood in front of it, the anxiety was kicking in more than ever.
I was breathing unsteadily.
In, out, in, out, I reminded myself though it didn't work.
I began to dig my nails into my arm until it drew blood, but I didn't notice the pain.
"Hey," Meghan whispered, "It's going to be okay."
I didn't say anything. I just walked inside.
"Hi," I walked up to the front desk, "I was asked to come here."
"Uh, Graceffa. Joey Graceffa."
She looked up at me, "Oh, right. Follow me."
Meghan and I exchanged nervous glances, but we followed her anyway.
She took us to the third floor.
I swallowed hard.
When the elevator opened, she took a left.
My heart beat accelerated.
She stopped in front of Shane's room.
No. Oh God no. Meghan touched my shoulder but I brushed it off.
Slowly, the door opened.
My heart stopped.
My jaw dropped.
Shane stood in front of me, half smiling.
"Hey, Joey."
Suddenly I realized what was happening, and I started to cry. He was alive.
He was alive.
Shane was alive.
"Shane," My voice quivered. I ran up to him and threw my arms around him.
I didn't want to let go because I thought he would leave me again. And when I kissed him, I kissed him lightly, because I didn't want to break him.
"How... Your heart..."
His gaze softened, "I lost my heart."
"Heart transplant. It's... It's not my heart. I took someone's heart..." He started to cry.
I hugged him a little tighter, "It's not your fault, Shane. It's not."
The doctor cleared his throat, "Mr.Dawson, are you going to tell them or shall I?"
He pulled away from me, "You do it. I don't know how."
The doctor nodded, "We believe the heart came from someone you know."
"W-who?" Meghan stammered.
"It was David's," Shane hardly spoke above a whisper.
My legs went weak, I grabbed the wall to keep my balance.
Shane took David's heart.
I had no idea what to think.
Meghan spoke first. No. No... she was screaming.
"How dare you!" She pushed him, "How dare you! You killed him! You killed my brother! You... You murderer!"
Shane looked horrified.
She fell to the ground and sobbed.
"Ms. Camarena!" The doctor shouted harshly.
I was still in shock.
"What? What do you want?" Meghan spat.
"David offered to donate his heart."
She looked up, "N-no. No he couldn't."
"We told him that it would be the end of him. But he told us that he knew he was going to die. He said he wanted to save Shane."
"I tried to talk him out of it," Shane spoke quietly, "But he wouldn't take no for an answer."
"How," Meghan shook her head, "How could he do that to me."
"It was for me," I said numbly.
"What?" Meghan asked. Everyone stared at me.
"H-he told me that this was his end in the hospital room. He told me to follow my heart. He wanted me to be with Shane, he wanted me to be happy."
"It's true," Shane added, "He told me."
Meghan was now shaking and crying, and it hurt so bad to see.
"Joey," Shane took my hand, "Can we talk."
I looked at Meghan and she nodded at me.
Shane led me out the door, "Did you get my letter?"
I nodded, "It was beautiful."
He blushed, "I meant it."
"I know. I- I don't know what to say. You're alive. David's-" I winced at the thought, "Anyway... I can't believe any of this."
"Me either," He shook his head, "I want to say I wish this didn't happen, and I married Lisa but... I don't mean it. Because I would have been living a lie. I don't love her, Joey, I love you."
"Lisa... Have you talked to her?"
He nodded, "She's heartbroken. But she understands. I think she always knew we weren't meant to be."
"So... What does this mean?"
"I don't know. I never knew what I'd do when all of this was over. But I wanted it to involve you. Promise me, Joey Graceffa, that it will."
"I- I- I," I didn't know what to say. After everything, could I still hold on to him?
"You told me yourself that you couldn't be with anyone else because no one would help you through the bad times. This was the worst time of our lives, and we're still standing. I'm going to be corny and say it was our love that kept us strong. After all this, do you really think you could be with anyone else?"
I was choked up but managed to say no.
"Do you love me?" He asked.
I nodded.
"Say it, then."
"I love you, Shane. I love you so much."
"Give me your word then. Promise me you'll stay with me." He bent down on one knee.
"Joey... Let's go through good and bad together," He took out a ring, "Will you marry me?"
I could almost hear David's voice. Follow your heart, he said.
"Yes," I tried not to cry, "Yes. I will marry you, Shane Dawson."


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