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"I'm so tired!" Conor moaned. I was tire freed up and disappointed Peter didn't come to talk to me after the flight in fact I watched him wave goodbye and wondered to myself and even know if that would be the last time I got to see his perfect face again.

"Stop moaning Conor where all tired and where here so we need to sort out our rooms." Joe was talking to all of us know I wasn't interested in listening to his voice but I was interested in being here.

It was so beautiful and I wished I could stay here forever but I knew we would only be here for a week or so and move on to our next tour destination. LA was always a dream of mine but I'm not really here in holiday so it didn't seem so special anymore.

"So I've got our keys Conor give them back for Christ sake. Thank you. Where was I?" Conor snatched the keys out of Joes hand I was starting to fall asleep now leaning on Mollys shoulder Peter already out of my mind for now.

"Oh yh so Conor you and Molly and Emma you and me?" What? Again! I mean I know that Conor and Molly where in a better place since these break up but we can't push them towards this. I suddenly felt more awake and I knew Molly did to.

"That doesn't even make sense Joe!" I was almost screaming at him now I felt protective of Molly and being tired made me grotty also I was mad at myself for letting him wave goodbye so far away from me like that. All I have left of him now is his number it wasn't enough.

"I'm sorry guys! But that's how's it's going now stop moaning" Molly and me where that tired we looked at each other in a way to say where deal with this later. So I let Joe get away with it but I will bring this issue up tomorrow after our camera session I the morning the tour starts the day after.

I wave goodbye to Conor and hug Molly "Just for tonight where deal with this" I whispered to her before shutting the door behind me back in my own room with Joe.

I couldn't be bothered to unpack or explore my hotel room I picked what looked like the biggest bed under the light and through myself in it without saying anything to Joe. Just determined to sleep I was so jet lagged I hadn't realised that it would feel like this.

However I was keeper awake by Joes snoring not to far from me and I missed everyone back home already. I missed Casper making me laugh over silly things that shouldn't be funny and the way smiley always 'reschedules' his diet.

I longed for Destiny but knew that she had changed in a way that she wouldn't miss me I the same way I missed her. She had all she had ever wanted a husband someone to love and to be loved. I was happy for her and wished that my story would end just as happily as hers.

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