Desperate for love (page 2)

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"My scariest nightmare did come to truth" that was the title of my most favorite series
the title sounded like my Friday's night.It was Friday night i grabbed an ice cream bowl
Almost 9PM.  it was the usual two scoop of cookie and cream flavor  with a drizzle of caramel. beep my phone text rang.

Jordan: Why you're acting weird lately?
Simon : what do you mean by weird ?
Jordan : why you're stalking me ?
Simon : stalking you ha. Why I would stalk you ?
Jordan : I don't know that's why I'm texting you. you're  creeping me man.
Simon : why you're accusing me in such proposition? What is you're evidence?
Jordan: I found you phone case  on my bed. That is my proposition evidence.
I was angry and mad I didn't do something wrong can't i enjoy my lonely weekend without disturb and accusations And how could he accuse me in stalking him.
who think him self is?

Simon : do you think that everything revolve around ? your selfish brick I'm not creepy stalker as you acclaimed. I might forgot my case at your home last weekend.
Jordan : yes you're a creepy stalker. If you weren't how then i would find you shit colorful case on my bed. We didn't get in my room.
Jordan : zoop the sound of a massage delivered ( picture of the cover)
Simon : I told you your stupid ass , I may forget it last week when I come by for biology project
jordan's mom : stop throwing your stuff all over the house I'm not your maid
I can't pick everything and return it to your room.
Last week was This case , week before your ugly jacket and the week before it your muddy shoes.
Jordan: sorry , mom
Jordan's mother ; please darling , be careful and organize.
Jordan : I'm sorry Simon
Simon : fuck you.
Jordan: I thought you still have feeling for me ?so you start stalking me
Simone : I can't have feeling for a person like you plus we have kissed once only which does mean nothing to me .
Jordan : i'm sorry Simon I have Make a  big mistake. when you kissed me
You should knew that I was fooling around
Simon: Sorry I would lie if told you I didn't liked at all. I liked you once and I don't even know why?!.
Jordan: I know because you are attracted to me don't you lie. you were so caring and loving even when I treated you bad.
You took care of me even when other didn't bothered, unlike other you didn't want my popularity or my body you just was there for me.
Simon: I did that for myself  I was alone and you were there and plus you're handsome dude. I liked you because you were good to me and I needed some company with good face like yours. I cared because i thought you would be good Friend too but I was wrong.
I contacted you because I needed someone to spend time with as you see I'm alone.

Jordan: I won't lie too I kissed you because I like you , I liked you're pretty face as soon as I saw them. I want to be beside you all the time especially when you took care of me
I like your soul and your smile. You're the only person who gave me his interest, time and energy. I'm lonely too do you think just because I'm popular and known that everybody care about me they just wanna use me and took advantage from me.
Everyone wants be around captain Jordan. It was You only Simon who likes me as I am
Simon: i kissed you for the same reason Jordan I just felt happy with you.n
I didn't even bothered anything else about you I didn't mind your bad manners.
Even if you were straight.  

9:40 PM almost 10
Nock , nock it was the door and ring bell followed the nock
Simon: who's there
Jordan: it's me
Jordan; haha, do you think I am heterosexual ?
Simone : yes , I don't think only but I'm sure.
Jordan:  well I was until I met you.
Simon : one kiss can't determined you're sexuality

Jordan: I'm sorry but it does especially if were you . 
Simon ; thank you , but I why did you come ?
Jordan : I did cause I won't let you stay alone,Not anymore it's my time to take care of you.
Simon: No, Maybe you were with family And I wouldn't bother you.
Jordan: you are important as much as my family. you support me and stood me beside when I need you. you were there with me every hour  and every minute. So do you think I would leave you after all you went throw for my sake .
Jordan : I'm sorry that I hurt you , I would do anything to kiss you
If it made you always feel happy .
Simon: come on , I have ice cream and bunj with me for movies and Netflix and chill.

As soon he Enter and I closed the door. He push me little toward the door and kissed me and I kissed him back.
Simon: I like you , and you deserve a kiss too because you've acted nice for the first time.
Jordan : You may think it's easy but it was hard.
I'm just kidding. I would do anything for you Simon just to pay you back.

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