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"Come on, Daddy!" Esper yelled, dragging Travis through the crowd.
"Hold on, Espy, your mother needs to catch up with us."
"Don't mind me." Shana said with a smile as she put her hand on her distended belly. "I can get to you in a little bit."
Aylin had suggested that if they wanted Shana to carry their children then maybe they could try invetro fertilization so that Shana's egg would actually take and not be taken. It worked and she became pregnant with their second child that they just found out was another girl.
Esper grinned and hauled Travis toward Cinderella just as the last child left. She jumped up and down in anticipation as she held out her autograph book to the princess.
"And how are you today?" Cinderella asked as she took the booklet.
"I'm awesome! You're so pretty!" Esper said with a grin.
"Thank you. Oh, we have the same dress!" Cinderella said with fake surprise.
Esper giggled as she twirled around in a circle, her light up shoes flashing.
"Beautiful!" Cinderella said with a clap. "Did you want to take a picture?"
"Uh huh!"
Cinderella bent down and Esper grinned big as Travis took the picture. Esper waved her off as Cinderella's park guard led her back to behind the scenes to change her clothes and take a break from the hot sun.
Esper sifted through her pages and looked around, her little eyes on the prowl for another Disney character when she gasped, pulling on Travis' pants.
"Daddy, look!"
Travis looked down at her from rubbing Shana's belly and then looked where she was pointing. Shana looked over and her smile faded.
"Travis... Travis, don't do it."
"Dopey... Yo, Dopey!" Travis yelled out as he ran toward the character.
"Travis no!" Shana yelled as Travis literally tackled the dwarf down.
Park guards began to gather and Shana grabbed Esper's hand with a sigh and walked toward the ruckus.
"Mommy, is Daddy going to get taken to Disney jail?"
"I don't know sweetheart. Let's see if we can't smooth it over."
Esper shrugged and skipped by Shana, humming "Mickey Mouse Club March".


A/N: and lets go get daddy suspended from disney for life for his obsession with dopey :)

this is the end folks. hope you enjoyed it. there is a sequel but it's not finished but let me know if you would like for it to be up here. thanks for reading!

Tetrology Of The Sea - Book 1: From The Sea 🪼✔Where stories live. Discover now