Twenty (kinda sorta very important)

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Right now I am going to do an actual rant because...
I haven't done one of those yet...

So it's been okay lately I guess but this one kid at school.
He's weird and he dances in class and gets ISS and regular suspension too.
He is mean and I only have a few friends at school but they have other friends that they hang out with more. Madison and Kaeirra are names of two of my friends. They are best friends and I'm more like a side person. So they also pair together in stuff. Back to Julian.
He had suspension one day at gym class and it was close to field day.

Yes they still do that👌👌
The teacher was like, "who wants to be partners with Julian? Blah blah bkah" and nobody raised their hand.

All being the person I am, I stepped into being a bigger person and raised my hand.
Now I would do this every year for somebody. I never got to be with someone I actually want to be with on partners and stuff like this I just pick another left out person.

And so far that was a mistake.

The next week at gym,
He kept telling me 'I couldn't run' Idk how that offended me but I'm sensitive so shut upp. I don't stand up for myself. and he kept embarrassing me and telling lies to other people.

And here I am a day after this happened dreading to go to school on Friday to have to go through that again. But I have to.

I'll update you next week on this.

Thanks for reading. It means a lot to me.
It feels good to get my feelings out like this.

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