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JIMIN WAS GENUINELY HAPPY.He was always the person who would sacrifice his happiness to please other and the feeling of being happy was never the part of his life until he met her.Though he had managed to maintain a facade,he couldn't deceive her.Instead the smile that garnished her feature was a lie.She was more than what he had thought―what everyone had thought.She could knew the underlying meaning behind everything and everyone.

Maybe that was one of the many reason she stalks the boy in front of her.

They were sitting in a bench by now admiring the sun that was still shining bright though it was slowly losing its gleam,they loved the warmth it offered.It was so unlike of Jimin to open up so easily with someone he had met for the first time but he couldn't care less.The conversation between them was getting deeper.To say it she was open minded at least,they talked about how nature give them oasis of calm to how much music influence to sooth their pain away.Jimin expressed how passionate he is about his dancing while she talked about how intrigued she is when an author gives life to an character in books or novels and wished she could bring that magic with her creativity since childhood but she couldn't.

Jimin couldn't help but admire her face morphed with a pout and shyly gave some encouraging words to cheer her up making her smile at his kind gestures.Her alluring smile brought a warm feeling inside his chest and for the thousand time he wished he could stop the time and cherish his memories with her.

"Funny how I still don't know your name."he nervously rubbed his nape poking his tongue at the side of his cheeks.

"Same here though!"She squinted her eyes playfully making both of them chuckle.

"Park Jimin!"

"Park Sejeong!"

Both of them said in unison before a serene smile tainted her face but he couldn't mirror the same expression instead sudden realisation hit him and it felt surreal how a part of him started to wonder in the maze of his heart but he couldn't unfold the past memories.

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