chapter 2

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"You're getting married next week "-mom

You choke on your spaghetti meatball instantly and leaving you in shock.

"What"? Taehyung replies.

" Yeah what?" You say after him.

"I said you are getting married next week, a friend of ours have a handsome son and we deicide to arrange a marriage point blank... Oh and we are having dinner with the family tomorrow night okay?" She looks at you in eye and you look her in the as well and then look up at your dad peacefully eating his dinner.

"Well?" Your mom says as she brings your attention to her again.

"Wha- what... Uhhhh...."
You start to play with your food and inhale "well I have nothing to say.." And go back to playing with your food.

"That's okay you will see him tomorrow"

"Huh?" You and Your brother say at the same time.
Silence filled the air and and your appetite dropped.
You stand up "I'm going to bed thanks for the food and goodnight"
You leave running up the stairs to your room


She must be pulling a prank on me?!?
No way *You gasp* but mom and dad was so....calm and Taehyung was shocked as well..

End of Rae's POV and back at the dinner table.

"So is Rae really getting married??" Taehyung says. "Yes" Mom and dad says together.
"oh... And you think she will be okay? " Taehyung replies.
"Of course as soon as she See's his face she will fall in the him immediately" Mom says quite confidently.

"I-Im okay if s-she okay and is safe" Taehyung stutters out.

"Awe don't worry my son he is sweet as candy trust me" Mom says.


You walk out your room to get some water after hearing the overwhelming conversation earlier, but you stop before walking into dinning room were everyone else was.

There still talking about the situation maybe I should stand here and listen a little longer before I walk-in...... You mumble to yourself.

"So what's his name?" Taehyung says
You listen really close to the conversation of three.
"His name?"
"Oh it's Seok-jin"

You turn around and go back to your room after hearing your "future husbands" name.
You jump on your bed to release some stress when you hear a knock on your door.

*Knock knock*

"Come in"

It's your brother he comes in and closes the door lightly.
"hey y/n~". "Hi" You say as you sit up.
"How do you feel?" He says to you with a slight worry in his voice.
You put your right hand on your temple rubbing it and say "stressed out to be honest with you". He nods with your honesty "anything I can do to make you less stressful?".

You stand up and walk up to him and turn around say "Yeah massage my shoulders".

He puts his hands on your sholders and start to massag and you instantly sink you head down and become almost weak. As your emotions and thoughts slow fade away from your brain. Suddenly before you knew you were falling asleep taehyung realized you dazing off and flicked the back your head.

"What was that for?!" You turn around and said as you rub the back of your head. "You were zoning off and I didn't want to carry your butt to bed" He said.

"Well can you keep going??" You asked
"Yes but can lay on you bed?" He says
"Yeah" You walk to your bed and lay on your back comfortably.

Taehyung sits on your lower back and starts to massage your back leaving nothing but satisfaction.

You ended up falling asleep.


 My rearranged marriage with JinOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora