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< Sam >

+1 week later+

This whole week I've been trying to get Harry to open up and be kind

I found out 2 things about him

1.he smokes

2.he masturbates

Typical things

But I was expecting other things too

Like,his favourite colour.

Is it that hard to find out someone's favourite colour?


Most of this week has been of Yelling,Screaming,Crying,and Apologies.

Harry did all the yelling and screaming I did all the crying and we both did the apologies

I'm just laying in the 'guest room' while Harry's throwing stuff around in his room

Why is it so difficult to teach this boy manners and how to be nice?

He was raised by people right?

I feel bad for him he was raised by alcoholic parents plus they were abusive and no one should go thorough that kind of stuff

I can admit one thing though, he's a good cook

He made this spaghetti the other day and it felt like I was in an Italian restaurant

Today I asked him why he can't just go back home

He started yelling saying how then next he could turn himself into the police and I said why was that a bad thing he said because he wants to spend the rest of his life with this special girl

I wonder who that is?


A/N- how are you? 2 votes! Idk if I actually like this book I kinda want to delete it so I might do that😕💕

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