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"Shivers went through, and fear inside grew."

  Black and white, its warmth that then blew.

  Now he sees her, is it true?

  What was a trapped princess, is a wound that is healed."  

Nervous, he felt,as he waits for his bride.

He is afraid, as though he would cry.

Practice reciting, words he must comply.

His life as a bachelor, now ends with a bye.

Fixing his bow tie, on a leather stool.

Smiling as he knows that she would too.

Standing straight just like a broom, 

This all seems a little too soon.

It all seems unreal, going through this ordeal. 

 The doors now open, his bride is revealed.

The bride wearing heels, no flaws need be concealed.

His clothes feel like armor, like a knight clad in steel.

He finally found it, his need and his want.

A kiss is done, like a touch of a wand.

And now that the magic is finally done,

No more delusions, dreams has begun.

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