My Sophie!

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Screeching on the grey cemented ground of the wide parking area of the café, Zakie parked his car showing his driving skills. It was sparingly crowded, being located in the less congested part of the town. He easily found space for his car which was wide enough for him to play his stunt. Zakie was quite popular in school for these. Sophie, who was sitting in the passenger seat, and Ciara and Jack, sitting in the back seat, were enjoying with their squeals accompanying the screeches of the car tires. Over with his stunts, Zakie got out of the car smiling at them and Ciara and Jack followed him out, cursing excitedly.

"Damn, that was awesome man. How do you manage to do it at this speed." exclaimed Jack, impressed like always with his best friend's skills.

"Man! I will always be your biggest fan." He confessed, giving Zakie a high five and Zakie took it with a big laugh.

"Count me in your fans too." said Ciara smiling at Zakie in her usual carefree style, while chewing the gum and holding Jack's arm.

"Hey! Sophie! You can come out too now." Zakie called Sophie while walking around the car to her side.

"Let me catch my breath first" she said breathily, because of her squealing.

Meanwhile Zakie opened the door for her and kept his arms folded on top of the door waiting patiently for her to come out. Sophie finally got out of the car, eyes wide with excitement and breath still uneven. She stood by the door for a while that was held open for her by Zakie. Wearing casual navy blue skinny jeans and maroon leather jacket with her hair tied up in a high pony tail, she was looking as youthful as ever.

Sophie smirked looking at Zakie from the corner of her eye "That was awesome" and after that suddenly her tone changed to a more counseling one "but I told you there was patrol police back there. You could have gotten arrested!" and changing to a more stern tone "You never listen to me." She said while punching Zakie in the stomach.

Laughing, Zakie tried to move away to save himself but Sophie kept on punching him. He held both of her hands in one hand and wrapped his other arm around the nape of her neck to hold her in a head lock and stop her from hitting him.

Zakie was more than six feet tall. Sophie was easily half a foot below him. She knew she didn't stand a chance against him so that is why she gave up soon. The sun wasn't helping either with its heat burning down on them.

"We should really get inside the café because it's getting too hot" Sophie squinted up at the sun.

"Yeah! I second that" said Ciara

Then Sophie wrapped her arm around Zakie's torso to hug his side. Zakie pushed the car's door close and locked the car with a beep and started walking with Sophie beside him. From the resemblance in their faces most people could tell they were related by blood. Both having brown hair and green eyes, most people judged them as being siblings but no, Sophie was not Zakie's sister. Yes she was not. Rather she was his mother. Uh-huh you heard me. Despite the fact that she looked as young as a teenager, but she was a mother of this handsome guy.

Even though she was Zakie's mom, he rarely addressed her as that. He preferred to call her Sophie and so did his friends. Neither did she resent that at all. Like them most of the people also called her Sophie. Hardly anyone knew that her full name was Sophiya Adams.

Ciara and Jack were Zakie's best friends since school. Ciara and Jack have been in love with each other since Tenth grade. Zakie called them as "love birds" and they were his favorite couple and also best friends forever. They were also Sophie's friends since Sophie and Zakie had the same circle of friends mainly comprising of these two.

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