That Aussie Surfer

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chapter one:

"Kate wake up! We've reached!" I felt a gentle pat on my shoulder. I woke up instantly, looked out of the window and gasped. We're here! We're finally here!

After the immigration and all sorts, I was dead tired. it was almost one in the morning back in LA and here, it was evening.


After checking into the hotel, I immediately lay on the bed and slept.

I must have slept for a really long time because when I woke up, it was morning.

I woke up to see my best friend, Cathy, watching television. I was on this trip with Cathy, to celebrate my 17th birthday which was coming in a few days.

"You've finally woken up! Remember our plan? We're heading for the beach today! " Cathy exclaimed as she rambled about how much fun it was going to be, the hot guys and how she wanted to learn surfing. I literally had to cover her mouth before she'd stop talking.

After I freshened up, changed and all, we made our way to the beach.

As we reached, the first thing I saw were the surfers. They skillfully surfed many waves and I stared in awe while Cathy stared at the lifeguard.

I did learn how to surf but was a little rusty. It's been almost 2 years since I last surfed.

I grabbed Cathy's hand and pulled her away, but she kept her eyes on the lifeguard. I told her that I wanted to surf but she just kept nodding and saying,"Yes, yes" but never once did she look at me. So I left while she continued her Great Stare Adventure.

I got all the necessary items and my Rusty Dangerous Unplanned Surfing Journey began.

Most of the time I was pushed into the water and was probably looked down by the other surfers.

Just then, a big wave came. I rushed towards it and got on my surfboard. I managed to keep my balance and steer the surfboard well. However, that didn't last long before I landed again in the water. Well, at least I managed to catch it. For 3 seconds.

I was about to swim up to my surfboard when I felt a sharp pain in my leg. Then, I remembered. I FORGOT TO STRETCH BEFORE I ENTERED THE WATER. I began splashing all around me, trying to scream for help but whenever I opened my mouth, the salty seawater would keep entering my mouth and I would choke on it. Was this the end? Was I going to die like that? Without my family by my side? Without anyone noticing? My arms were tired, seawater filled my throat.

"Hel-" I whispered.

That was the last I remembered before I blacked out.


special thanks to my best-est friend ( if you're reading this ) for helping me edit this.

Anyways hope y'all enjoy this first chapter.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2014 ⏰

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