Secret fling with the CEO

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Yuck, Monday. Nobody likes this day I swear. Think I'm gonna need more coffee.
As I'm sitting at my desk trying to get some work done, someone knocks on my door. "Come in."
A man enters and is carrying a vase with 2 dozen pink roses. "Ms. Angela Martin?" He asks.
"Yes, that's me." I get up and go to the door.
"These are for you." He says with a grin and hands them to me.
"Oh, thank you." He nods and walks away. I shut the door and place the flowers on my desk. Who would send me flowers? I don't have a boyfriend. I'm pretty much invisible to men. I'm not tall, blonde, skinny or leggy. I'm very average. And the fact that I work with computers, I'm probably looked at as too nerdy.
These flowers are beautiful though. Where is the card?
​​​"These flowers are almost as stunning as you"
Wow. There is no name though. Huh...I wonder if they are for me? The envelope does have my name on it. I will leave them on my desk in any case.
I take my phone out and take a pic of these beautiful flowers just in case I come in later and they've disappeared. I decide to send it to my friend Jessie, she will freak out.
​​​"Look what was just delivered to me!"
​​​"OMG Ang, from who?"
​​​"No idea, no name on the card"
​​​"OOOOOOO secret admirer! How romantic!"
​​​"Yeah yeah. Who though?"
​​​"Don't know Ang, that's why it's a SECRET admirer"
​​​"OK OK ttyl."
There is another knock at my door. "Come in."
My boss Madeline comes in, "Mr. Chase needs this folder brought to him right away. He asked that you bring it to him." She looks at me with furrowed eyebrows.
"Me? Why me?" I look at her the same way.
"I don't know, but you better get going."
I stand, grab my purse and the folder and head for the door. "Oh, wait, where is he?"
"He's at his apartment downtown. The address is on the sticky note." I nod and head out.

I reach his apartment within 15 minutes. I tell the front desk who I am here to see and my name. She nods and gives me a special key to the private elevator that goes right to his apartment. In the elevator I am kind of nervous. I've never been here before. I've brought him reports and paperwork in the office, and helped him with a computer program, but I've never been to his home.
I have to say I agree with most, Colton Chase is hot. He is only 26 years old and runs a multi-billion-dollar company, Blackwood Enterprises. Grant it he inherited it from his grandfather, he runs it like a well-oiled machine. His blue eyes pierce mine every time I see them. It makes a shiver go down my back. Let's not even get into his body. Not that I've ever seen him without a shirt, but you can tell how muscular he is with how his shirts cover him, like a glove. Surprisingly, he doesn't seem to be a different girl each week kind of guy. I've only heard of him seeing a few, which is not the norm with billionaires. Not that he would ever notice me. He wouldn't want average, he can have gorgeous.
The elevator dings bringing me out of my thoughts. I enter a large living room. Oh, ok, so right in, no hallway.
"Hello? Mr. Chase?" I say as I walk through the living room. No answer. Huh, maybe he's not actually here. I'll leave the folder on his kitchen counter. I head through the doorway into the kitchen. It is a beautiful kitchen, looks like it has every gadget you could need. I love to cook.
As I stood there looking around the kitchen, I hear someone say my name.
"Hello Ms. Martin." He says in a low husky voice. I turn and find him only a few feet from me. His eyes stare into mine. He takes a step closer.
"Hello Mr. Chase. I brought the folder you asked for." I hold it out for him.
He nods, takes it and places it on the counter. "I was about to get lunch. Would you join me?" He asks.
I look at him surprised, "Um, sure. Why not." I shrug. And smile.
He smiles at me. I don't think I've ever seen him smile. Hot even more! Why he would want to have lunch with me, I don't know. We haven't had too much communication in the 6 months I've worked here. I've stolen glances when he would pass by me. I have helped him a couple times in his office set up spreadsheets. But I've never noticed him look at me or show any interest.
He grabs his coat and we head out. We get into his car and he drives off.
We drive for a few minutes before he looks over at me. "So, how do you like working at Blackwood?"
"It's challenging but I like it." I say smiling.
He nods and smirks. "Anything you see that should be changed or improved upon?" He asks.
Is he seriously asking someone like me for my input? Doesn't he have management for that? "No, actually. Nothing that I've found yet."
"Ok, if you do, I want you to come tell me."
I look over at him, "Why does my opinion matter? I'm not management."
He looks at me, "Management will do or say anything that will benefit them, not always for those who work for them. I want to make sure you are happy and comfortable."
A CEO who cares, that's refreshing I thought. "I will let you know then if I see anything." He nods. "So, where are we having lunch?"
He smiles, "A little deli outside of town."
Once we arrive he takes my hand and leads me in. I am a little taken back when he takes my hand, but I don't say anything. Why would he do that?
We sit at a little table in the corner. "What's the best thing to get here?" I ask.
He thinks for a moment, "The American on sour dough."
"Is that what you're getting?"
"No, I'm getting the pastrami on rye." He says with a small smile, glancing up at me.
"Ok, then I'll get the American on sour dough." I smile. He smiles back.
The waitress comes and takes our order. As she does, she keeps her eyes on Mr. Chase, he doesn't even acknowledge her, he keeps his gaze on me.
"So, Ms. Martin, I have something else I would like to talk to you about." He takes a sip of his drink.
I look up at him as he continues, "I have a charity event to attend this Friday night and I would like you to be my guest."
Ok, now my jaw is on the floor. "Really? You want me to go with you?" I ask.
"Yes, Ms. Martin. Would you come with me?"
"I...Um..." I look up at him, he is still looking in my eyes. "Sure, I mean, yes, I will."
He smiles, "Good. I will pick you up at 6pm at your apartment."
Just then the waitress comes back with our food. Once again looking at Mr. Chase who does not even glance at her.
We eat making small talk about the office. Once we are done we head back to the car and his apartment. Once there he takes my hand and leads me up to his apartment. Again, with the hand holding. I can't say it doesn't feel good. He brings me into the kitchen and turns to me.
"Mr. Chase-."
"Call me Colton when we see each other outside of work." He says smiling.
"Oh ok, then please call me Angela." I smile. He nods. "Colton, I should be getting back to the office."
"They're not expecting you back for the rest of the day."
"Really? Why is that?" I ask.
"I told them I had other errands for you to do." He says stepping so close I can almost feel his heart beat through my chest.
I stare back in shock. "Angela," my heart beats faster at the sound of him saying my name, "Did you like the flowers?"
My eyes widen more, "They're from you?" I say just above a whisper as I remember what the card said. "They're beautiful."
"Not as beautiful as you." He takes my face in his hands and bends down and places his lips on mine. I am stunned at first, should I respond? Should I push him away? His lips are so soft...I give in and kiss him back.
When we pull apart I can feel my face blush, so I look down. He puts his hand under my chin and raises my face to look at his. When I do look at him, he is smiling. "You are even more beautiful when you blush."
Now I'm nervous so I laugh lightly. I can't believe he kissed me. Why me? Don't know but I liked it.
Colton reached both arms around my waist and pulls me to him. He brings one hand up behind neck and pulls me in for another kiss. This time it is harder and more passionate. I bring my arms up, around his neck, kissing him back. Before long he is unbuttoning my blouse pulling it off me.
What is happening? Should I stop it? I really don't want to. I don't jump into bed with just anyone, but his touch is driving me insane. I pull back for a moment. We just stare at each other. I don't care, I'm giving in.
I start to unbutton his shirt, he stops me and just pulls it off over his head. I take a second to look at his muscular chest and run my hands over it. Colton shivers a little. I look up into his eyes and see want and need, which I'm sure is reflected in mine. He picks me up and I wrap my legs around him. We just stare at each other as he walks down the hall to a bedroom. He lays me down on the bed and proceeds to take off my pants. I'm just left in my bra and panties. I watch as he strips down to his boxer briefs. God does he look so sexy. I can see how excited he is, it only makes me wet even more.
He climbs on the bed and stays on his knees. He pulls me up on my knees in front of him too and starts to kiss down my neck. I let out a small moan which makes him tighten his grip on my waist and pull me closer. I reach down and into his boxers, I wrap my hand around his hardening cock, now Colton moans. I rub my thumb up and down his shaft slowly. I can feel his breath quicken on my neck. He has a low moan rumbling in his throat.
He reaches around and unclips my bra and throws it aside. He bends down and kisses one breast while caressing the other. I lean my head back. He lowers me to the bed and slowly takes off my panties and then slides his boxers off. He runs his fingertips up my thigh sending lightening up my body. When he reaches my clit, he applies a small amount of pressure and rubs. I let out a loud moan and thrust my hips up. Oh my god did this feel amazing. He reaches into the night stand and grabs a condom and puts it on.
Colton leans down and kisses me again. I can feel his hard cock ready to enter. He whispers in my ear "I want you calling my name when you cum Angela." Then he thrusts himself in me. I gasp. Not because it hurt, not really, but it's been a while. We adjust and start to move together. It feels amazing. Both of us are moaning while moving in sync.
I can feel the pleasure rising, "Oh God Colton. Don't stop. Just like that." I yell.
"Cum for me Angela, let me feel you." He whispers.
It doesn't take much longer before it washes over me, "Colton, oh my god." I say as I gasp. I tighten myself on his cock as I cum. After a few more thrusts Colton cums too.
After he does, he lays down next to me. We stay that way for a few minutes till reality comes crashing down on me. What the hell did I just do? I just had sex with the CEO! What the hell do I do now? Just get up and leave? Say thank you? I should just go. I won't regret it, just will never speak of it.
I start to roll over when I feel a strong hand pull me back down. "Where are you going?" he asks quietly.
"I was just going to get my stuff and go." I say.
He turns my face to look at him. "Angela, you don't have to leave."
I look up at him, I still feel confused. "Really?"
He smiles. "Really Angela. I don't want anything that happens to feel cheap to either of us. I don't sleep with just anyone, only women I've taken an interest in."
He's planning on this happening again? Wait a second, he's interested in me? How can that be? What the hell would he see in me? Maybe it's just physical.
I roll over onto my stomach, his eyes travel down my back to my ass, then onto my legs. Yeah, guessing physical. Fine, I can go with it, the sex was fantastic. "Alright." I say glancing over at him. "So, tell me about this charity event Friday."
"It's actually a fundraiser for the hospital to help with research for cancer." He says.
"Definitely a worthy event to go to. Anything special I should do or wear?"
"No, I'm sure you will be beautiful in whatever you wear." He says smirking.
"Thanks." I say blushing. I see the time on his alarm clock, it's 5:30. "Oh, I have to get going. I have to get home to change."
He furrows his eyebrows, "You have a date tonight?" He does not sound happy.
I turn to glare at him. "Do you really take me for that kind of girl? One who sleeps with one guy and goes on a date with another right after?" I say trying to contain my anger, pulling away from him, turning to get up.
He takes a deep breath, "No Angela, I'm sorry." He grabs my arm, pulls me back to him, "I'm sorry." He says in a whisper and gives me a searing kiss. Which then turns into round 2, good thing we are still naked. By the time we are done it's almost 6:30.
"I really have to leave now. I'm going to be late and get the third degree. Well, I can blame it on work, say I was preoccupied." I laugh.
"So, what are your plans." He asks.
"I'm heading over to my friend Jessie's apartment for movie night. We've been having these for a long time now. And before you get the wrong idea, Jessie is a girl." I say smirking at him. He looks at me and nods also with a smirk.
I get up and grab my clothes...all the way to the kitchen. Colton gets up and puts on sweats and a t-shirt. Holy crap is that a hot look! Anyways, have to go. He kisses me goodbye and I get in the elevator.
I get home at 6:50, text Jessie to let her know I'm running late, then I run to shower quickly. Ok, I cannot tell her what just happened. I still have not wrapped my head around it. This could have been a one-time thing, probably was. It was great though. I will tell her about the charity event. She will flip over that.
I get to Jessies at 7:30. As she's getting everything ready I decide to tell her about the event.
"So, Mr. Chase asked me to be his plus one at a charity event Friday night."
Jessie whips around to face me. "Holy Shit! Are you serious? He asked you to go with him? When was this?"
"Just today. It was a surprise to me too, believe me." I said as I pop a piece of popcorn in my mouth.
"This is so exciting!" Jessie said with a squeal. She ran over and hugged me. "We are going to find you a kick ass dress!"
I smiled. "We should go tomorrow?"
"Oh, definitely! You are going to look fabulous when we are done with you!"
I laughed. "Let's go watch the movie now." I grab the bowl of popcorn and pull her into the living room. The rest of the night is spent like usual: eating, talking and watching the movie.

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