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《▪■===♡{DOWOON POV}♡===■▪》

I walked down the busy streets of Busan, heading to a local coffee shop. I don't particularly like coffee shops, but this particular one I love. I was meeting up with a childhood friend. We were best friends for a long time until he moved away to Canada. I looked forward to meeting him, so I could see how his skills improved of playing the bass. We used to practice drums and bass together, and compete to see who's skills improved the most.

I was about to turn a corner that led right to the coffee shop, but stopped myself when I heard someone playing  the piano. I turned my head to watch. It was a guy who looked around my age, singing and playing on a keyboard. I walked closer to get a closer look at him. He was playing the song perfectly, and his voice went perfectly with the piece he was playing.

I was completely mesmerised. His eyes were closed as he was singing, you could tell he was very passionate with what he was doing. I looked around, and no one seemed to pay a mind to the boy. I sat down on the ground, just watching him play and sing. I couldn't look away, I was completely amazed by his beautiful voice. At this point I was so distracted I had forgotten what I was even going to do.

Eventually the song had ended, and it seemed as if he was preparing for another song. I stood up and walked towards him. I put about 16,000₩ (about 20 canadian dollars) in the tin can he had on the ground next to him. I then approached him, and he didn't seem to notice me. "That was amazing. Where did you learn to sing and play the piano that good?" I asked in awe. He was startled, and fell over.

"Oh I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to startle you! Are you okay?" I ran over to him, concerned. I helped him up and his face was red. "U-um it's alright, I just get startled easily." He mumbled, looking down. "Are you sure? Do you have any scrapes anywhere?" I questioned. I'm so dumb. I should've just left him alone and then he wouldn't have gotten hurt.

"I'm fine, really. Thank you though. No one ever listens to me play anymore, so I guess I just wasn't expecting it." He explained, looking up at me. He was slightly cross-eyed, which made him look adorable. I was staring at his eyes for a while without thinking. "Oh uh sorry, I know my eyes are weird. I've  always hated the way they are." He looked down, trying to hide his eyes.

"What are you talking about? I love your eyes! They are unique which makes them amazing!" I explained. "Really? You actually mean that? Everyone I met makes fun of me for it except for my hyung." He looked up at me. "I really do! They are so pretty!" I assured him. "W-wow thank you." His face turned red again.

All of a sudden, the reason I was here popped back into my head. "Shoot, I have to go! It was so nice listening to you sing and play the keyboard! It was also nice talking to you!" I yelled as I started running towards the coffee shop.

I rushed through the door, panting heavily before spotting Younghyun sitting at a table with someone. "I'm so sorry I'm late!! There was this guy playing the keyboard on the street and he was really good so I couldn't help but watch and he was singing with the most angelic voice-" I was cut off by Younghyun pulling me into a hug. "You haven't changed at all." He stated. "Hey, what's that supposed to mean huh?" I asked. "I mean it in a good way." He chuckled.

"So Dowoon, this is Jae, my boyfriend." He introduced the other male to me. "Nice to meet you Jae! I've heard a lot about you from YoungK." I smiled widely. "YoungK?" Jae asked confused. "Oh, it's his nickname that I gave to him when we were kids." I explained. "Oh, so we both have nicknames for him. I call him Brian." He laughed. "Please don't bring up that name." Younghyun said.

"Now I'm curious of how this Nickname came to be." I laughed, and YoungK groaned. "He was in a musical trio in Canada and he named himself Brian. Now it's a repressed memory for him." Jae laughed and Younghyun was groaning. "Wow. I missed out on a lot. By the way, how did you two meet? YoungK told me that you were from America." I asked. "Oh, he actually was in Toronto for a little bit, and I just happened to meet him." YoungK explained vaguely. "That's cool!" I smiled.

"So who was that boy you were talking about huh? You had a lot to say about him." YoungK asked. I could see where this was going. "I literally just met him, he was playing the piano just around the corner from here. Did you not see him?" I explained. "No, I guess he wasn't here when we arrived." He answered. "Oh. Well he was playing the piano and singing with an angelic voice and I listened to the whole thing, I couldn't look away. After he stopped performing I gave him some money and asked him how he was that talented  and he was startled. He said that no one ever watches him play anymore so that's why he was startled. Plus his eyes are cross-eyed, and it made him look so cute. It turns out he was insecure about his eyes and people teased him because of them." I finished, taking a large breath after saying all of that.

"Yep, you are whipped for him." Jae said and laughed. "Hey! It's not like that! I was just very moved with his performance." I denied. "Then what was all that about him being cute?" YoungK laughed loudly. "No, I said his eyes made him look cute- oh. W-well whatever! I didn't mean it like that, I meant that his eyes made him look unique and stuff." I stuttered out.

Jaehyung and Younghyun were laughing their heads off as I crossed my arms and pouted. Now they're never going to let this go. I sighed.

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