Golden eyes sorrow

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"Oh your up in the morning pretty early." A soft voice registered the man's ears as he look to see a woman with golden hair and eyes looking back to him.

The man got off of the stool by the counter top and made his way towards the bright stunning light in his life. "I...I wanted to...wait for you without waking you up." He confessed his crimes still struggling to actually make words out of his voice with the pain on his cheek.

"Your just as nervous as me, Katsuki." She laughed softly while opening her arms to her rock that was at least able to hold her tightly. " you...idiot." He rebuttal her claim by kissing her on the nose. "In...a few...days isn't it?" Katsuki asked as a reminder. "Hm" She hummed into his shoulder feeling the exact same feeling as her lover.

"Toga." Katsuki says not trying to stutter or slur because of the pain on his face.

"Yes?" This simple response held so much emotion behind it but not expressed explicitly. Katsuki gulped as he felt the weight of her feelings which weighed more than his pride.

"I will work out in the end." Those are the words that will forever haunt Katsuki for the remainder of his days as it his gift and his curse.

At the elementary school~

Toga Himko Bakugo normally held such a great smile on her face even when the day seemed so gloomy. Her husband Katsuki, was the light in her life as it was the same for him. Even the two faced obstacles in their lives together she never gave up the hope and he never gave up the determination. Although today and next today's yet to come really gave Toga a run for her money.

She still believed everything will be alright in the end thanks to Katsuki's presence, though she couldn't help but feel a little doubt in herself. That doubt was created out of fear that if the possibility of not being able to fulfill one of her dreams that she shared with her husband.

As the goes by with Toga teaching the next generation about simple subjects such as math, Japanese language, and a few other extra fun stuff like drawing, singing, or dancing lessons.

The wife of Katsuki never really saw herself being a elementary school teacher at all when she was younger. She was a trouble maker back then, a bad girl if you will. Vandalizing, stealing, and hell even harassing people for valuables that included her own peers. Though deep down she did have a soft spot for children which grew into a profession to help teach kids the rights and wrongs of the moral compass.

Being an elementary school teacher was a way for Toga to become wise with the mistakes she had made in the past and make up by guiding the next generation with compassion, respect, kindness, and selfless minds so they can value what it means to be a person.

She did not value this qualities as a person until she met Katsuki Bakugo. Ah yes she remembered when she first met the sandy blonde haired man she knew today. To put it plainly Katsuki was a guy that love to punch people in the face to whoever wronged or even looked at him. Suffice to say her husband was also a troublesome teen with anger issues.

Where Toga was cool headed to her own greed is Katsuki's burning prideful passion for violence. Both were teens that people labeled as trouble makers.

Although even with all of these flaws in personality was what brought her and Katsuki together. Toga was happy with her life. She has a job that she enjoys , married to her first best friend and highschool sweetheart after a couple of years into Katsuki's boxing career, and overall her life is something she did not expect to have.

Throughout the years both her and Katsuki matured a great deal amount since their golden days of youth. Katsuki managed to keep on using his fist though not for some petty street fights but for the honor of fighting in combated sports such as international or world league Boxing. The once violent boy that boosted cockiness grew into a menacing adult that held a endless ocean of confidence. That same confidence helped stopped many in his way.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2018 ⏰

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