1. Beleaguering

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(Everly's POV)

"Hey Everly, did you hear what happened last night? Another Deviant revealed himself." my best friend, Nova, plops down on the bus seat next to me.

I look up from my book, "You mean the creep who snuck into the girls locker room so he could watch them shower?"

"Yeah, he's the one!! He's one of those Deviants!! He had wings and ears and feet like a bat. People are calling him 'Count Gawkula' because of him gawking at the naked girls."

I sigh and turn to the window, "These new-found powers and deformities are going to people's heads. It's just not safe to be out late anymore, and I wanted to get an after-school job."

"Maybe we can get a job together and have one of our parents pick us up." Nova inquired thoughtfully, "We could try getting a job at Beston's Burgers since it's not far from the school. We could walk there from school and my mom could pick us up after work." We continue talking about possible jobs while on the bus.

At the school, we each get our books for the first three classes and go to first period English. After English, Nova has math and I have history.

Up next is health, our least favorite class.

Mr. Wade is always eyeballing Nova when he thinks there's no one watching him. He asks her the most revealing, inappropriate questions that a teacher should never ask a student.

He immediately starts up with the inappropriate behavior, "Yesterday we learned about the zygote, Nova, can you tell the class, in detail, how the zygote is created?"

"When two people love each other...."

"I did not ask you, Everly Maylabel, and I am tired of you disrupting the class when you should be quietly listening. No one likes a smart-ass who thinks they're better than everyone else." Mr. Wade interrupts me.

It's very seldom that I lose my temper, but Nova means a lot to me and I won't let her be disgraced by that pig of a teacher, "Sir, I would keep my mouth shut if you would refrain yourself from harassing my best friend with your inappropriate remarks!!"

"Enough!! I will not tolerate this insolent behavior!!" he holds out a slip of paper for me to take, "You can see yourself to the principal's office and spend the rest of the day in detention for your outburst."

I ignore the paper and instead pick up both mine and Nova's books before taking her hand, "I'll gladly take detention, but I'm not going alone. I guess Nova here will have detention too."

"You can't do that, you're behavior is bound to get you suspended from this school!! Though, that does sound ideal because I wouldn't have to deal with you and your insolent tongue any longer." the pig seethes in anger.

At that, I reach my boiling point, "At least I don't ask incongruous questions of young girls that are half my age!! You are a repugnant, pilgaric asshat who shouldn't even be allowed to teach!!"

"GET!! OUT!!" his bald head is red and you can nearly see smoke billowing from his ears.

I pull Nova into the hallway, followed by snickers and whispers from the other children. I must've left a pretty good impression on them and the whole school will probably hear about it by the end of the day.

Nova looks worried, but doesn't say anything as I pull her to our lockers and put our books in them. I slam the door out of anger before looking at my distraught friend; she looks like she's ready to cry and my features instantly soften and I wrap my arms around her in an apology.

"My mom's gonna kill me...." she backs away from me with her hands on her head, "I've never walked out on a teacher before, I've never even had detention."

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