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Error: i tackled fresh and flipped us over so he was on top i wanted him and needed him badly fresh peered doqn at me blushing like crazy i rolled my eyes and sighed wrapping my legs around his waist pulling him downwards making him thrust into me "ah fresh~" i moaned

I couldent help but start to thruat error felt so good i saw tears at the corners or his eye sockets "error if it hurts ill stop" i said trying to pull away only for error ti pull me closer "i never said to stop did i~" error smirked and i sighed "alright~" i then Withought warning started to thrust hard fast and deep into error he thrw his head back moaning gripping the sheets so hard i thought they would tear i thrusted fast as u could errors tightness almost enough to throw me off edge and soon it very well did i cam deep inside error pushing through i repeadity thruated to hit what i assumed his g-spot was considering tge fact that everytime i thrusted into that spot he moaned and would cum imidiatly at first from pleasure now from sensitivity after hours of this i collapsed on top if error and kissed him deeply soon pulling back "i love you" i cooed in erros ear " you to~"

errorfresh 30 otp challangeМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя