Chapter 3

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After apologizing to an angry Kookie I skated over to Namjoon and Jin to see that they were laughing at something Jin had said. They were holding hands.

"Hey, guys, what's so funny?" I asked them. They looked up at me at the same time and smiled.

"Jin was just telling me one of his dad jokes," Namjoon started. "Want to hear it?"

"Um, not rea-"

"Ok here's how it goes!" Jin said excitedly.

"What does BTS put in their coffee?" He started.

"Here we go again.," I mumbled.

"SOME SUGA!!!" He instantly started laughing his windshield wiper laugh. Namjoon and I started at Jin blankly as he fell to the ground, still laughing.

"Anyway was there something you wanted to talk about?" Namjoon asked me as he grabbed my hand and we skated together away from a laughing Jin. I stared at our hands my eyes sparkling and caught up in the moment.

"Yeah, actually there was um, well I was wondering what do you think of me?" I asked him.

"What do I think of you? Well you're one of my bests friends, and your really cool and smart. I mean, I think of you as a little sister and stuff, is there anything you wanted me to say specifically?"

"Well, not really in particular...I just wanted to know where I stand in our relationship."

"Relationship? What do you mean? You are referring to me as a friend  only right?"

As I heard these words I knew that I will always just be a friend to Namjoon, nothing more.

"Never mind, I don't see the point in trying anymore." I sighed. I slowly skated away from him and went towards Suga.

"Y/n wait where are you going?!" Namjoon yelled as he tried to skate towards me. I quickly skated away and when I caught up to Suga he was hanging out with J-hope.

"Hey, guys tell Namjoon I'm not in the mood to talk to him EVER!" I bellowed then headed to a table to sit alone. The boys exchanged glances and started at Namjoon confused.

"What's wrong with Y/n?" J-hope asked Namjoon when he finally arrived to the boys.

"I don't know, she went up to me and asked me how I felt about her, but when I said that I thought of her as a friend she got mad and left I don't know what I did wrong." He answered. The boys exchanged another pair of glances then shook their heads disapprovingly.

"You know for someone with an IQ of like 400-something you can be very stupid," Suga said. Namjoon looked at his friends confusingly.

"Dude, she's into you." Hoseok finally smiled. Namjoon started at us shocked then at Y/n she was seen untying her skates then giving them to the store clerk who was on his phone and paying him.

"Oh, no, no, no, no she can't like me!" Namjoon gasped.

"Why not you guys are compatible," Suga replied. The boys skated over to a nearby table and wobbled to their seats.

"Because it would just make things awkward between us. It could mess up everything! Plus I've never dated a girl before."

"Well we can help with that, we can give you some tips." Suga replied.


"Totally, we'll be your wing-men," J-hope advised.

"Thank you guys this means a lot." Namjoon beamed as he said those words.

"So does that mean you like y/n?" He questioned me. Namjoon glanced at the floor while rubbing the back of his neck with a cheeky smile.

"Yeah, I guess I do, I mean it never really crossed my mind as Liking her but now that I think of it every time I'm with her it's like time stops, her smile can light up a whole room. The way she always fiddles with her fingers when she's nervous is so cute. Ah, I just love everything about her, from her weird habits to how she expresses herself. But I'm not 100% sure." Namjoon gushed.

"You shouldn't be telling us this, you should be telling Y/n pour your heart out to her," Suga assured.

"Yeah tell her how you really feel." J-hope agreed. Namjoon looked up towards the door to see Y/n talking to Jungkook on the other side of the entrance, but it seemed Namjoon was too late. They had their arms wrapped around each other in an embrace.

"It seems I'm too late." Namjoon murmured to himself. Jin and V walked over to Namjoon, Suga, and Hoseok looked at the direction they were staring at to see Y/n n and Jungook hugging. They instantly frowned.

"it's okay man, maybe she was feeling sad and asked him to hug her," Jimin said patting Namjoons back sympathetically.

"So, who's gonna tell her how we found out?" Jimin added. The boys stared at him as if saying not now and he put his hands up defensively. 

"I will," Jin said.

"Well, I guess it's time to go," Taehyung said. We got our skates off paid them then left the rink.

I hope you guys enjoyed this if you did tell your friends if they like BTS to read, and don't forget to add me! 

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