Sleeping with my Boss

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Sasha was a college intern at an upscale law firm. Sasha stood out in so many ways because 1. she was young and 2. She was very much attractive with her blue pearl eyes, black short curly hair and thin waist. All the guys at the firm drooled over her body and all the females hated her but secretly wished to be her. It was every college student dream to work there and Sasha had finally got it but will soon find out just how. 

Sasha's Boss was a muscular dark chocolate guy and all of the females in the office dreamt of being his mistress. Derick as he was called by family members and friends had a way with the ladies and was about to show his new assistant just how much he wanted her. Sasha was Derick's new assistant and loved every bit of it. All she ever did was got his coffee and schedule his appointments. She thought it was real simple and easy and Derick even paid her total of $800 a week. To Sasha $800 dollars was a lot of money for a college student and with that money she planned on making her life better. 

Sasha didn't grew up with a silver or gold spoon in her mouth so when she was offered the job as a personal assistant for a law firm she jumped on the offer. 

Derick introduced himself to the new assistant by taking her out for lunch on her first day at the office. Sasha was surprised by the offer but accepted it right away because she really needed the job and plus her new boss was too dreamy to pass up the offer. 

Over lunch Derick further explained why he needed a new assistant and why he wanted to explain it over lunch and not at the office. 

"Being at the office kinds of put me to sleep to be honest" he replied laughing at his own joke.

Sasha laughed along with him as she took a sip of her very expensive wine her boss ordered. 

"This is really good, I've never tasted this one before" she said taking another sip "What is it called" 

"It's called Cheval Blanc, one of my favorites and is also from France." he finally answered after finishing the last sip of his wine. Derick poured another glass for him and then leaned over and refilled Sasha's cup. They were having such a great time over lunch that they both lost track of the time. 

It was nearly after 5 and Derick phone rung repeatedly with calls from his wife. 

"We better get going" Derick said as he pushed his phone back into his work pocket. 

"Yea we should" Sasha smiled gathering her stuff as she got up to leave. Derick led her outside to where his Buick was parked and opened the door for her before getting in his self. 

They made their way back to the office and both said their goodbyes and went their separate ways. 

Sasha got into her 1998 Sunny and  made her way home.

The next day as she arrived at work, Sasha met a vase of Daisy's on her desk with a note inside that said 'Lunch was great , we should do it again some time'. Sasha smiled at the thought of it as she got settled in for a day she thought would be ordinary. 


After work as Sasha was about to gather up her stuff she was approached by her boss who offered her a drink of wine and a movie. 

"My wife is out of town and I just thought that we could probably finish off where we left off the other day."

Sasha wasn't sure if she should take her boss up on the offer but she just couldn't help but stare at his strongly built body. 

"Sure, why not" she finally answered. 

"Pick you up around 7" ?

Derick wanted what he wanted and he wasn't going to stop until he got it. To him, Sasha was sand on the beach, and what he wasn't getting from his wife he was surely going to get it from Sasha. Besides, Sasha made him laugh in ways his wife didn't.

Later that night Derick arrived at Sasha's house and was wowed when he noticed the way she was dressed. He jumped out of the car and ran around the other side to open the door for her. 

"You look amazing" he said drooling over her.

"It's just a T-shirt and a skirt" she giggled.

"What I meant to say is that you look great"

"Thank you" she replied getting into the car.


Finally at Derick's place Sasha got comfortable as Derick picked a movie and ordered pizza for the both of them. She was beginning to fall for Derick mainly because he well, he made her feel different. He never treated her like a college student, he treated her like a grown woman. Later on in the movie Sasha felt herself loosening up as she pressed her self against Derick. Derick liked that as he pulled her in close. Soon enough they caught their self kissing with Derick pressed up against Sasha. His hands trailing all over her body until it found a way to her skirt. Derick trailed his hand up her skirt and proceeded to pull down her panties. Sasha moaned as Derick's Muscular hands pressed up against her warm vagina.He caressed her lips with his fingers while intertwining his tongue with hers. Soon enough they were both butt naked and found their selves making love on his wife's favorite couch. Derick soon forgot about his wife as he slowly made love to his assistant. Sasha allowed for Derick to explore her body as she did his and moments later they both collapsed into each others arms as they fell asleep. 

Derick phone rung repeatedly as his wife tried to call him to let him know that her business proposal got pushed back and that she would be coming home a little earlier than planned but of course Derick didn't know because he was too busy wrapped in the arms of his mistress. 


Sasha got up moments later to make breakfast. Derick approached her from behind planting small kisses alongside her neck. Still yet to check his phone with the many missed calls from his wife. They both sat down to eat breakfast but was soon interrupted by keys turning in the door.

"Oh shit" managed to escape Derick's mouth as he tried to hide Sasha. He pushed her into a nearby closet as he greeted his wife at the door.

"I missed you baby" he greeted his wife kissing her and trying to lead her to the bed room. Sadly Mrs. Richards was too exhausted from the plane ride to have any sex with her husband.

"Oh you had breakfast" She asked noticing a plate on the table. 

"Oh yea just wanted to have a little something before heading to work. Amy knew that couldn't be true because her husband never made breakfast before heading to work and secondly it was a Saturday, he never went to work on the weekends. 

Amy was too tired to argue with her husband so instead she dropped her bag and threw her coat on the couch before heading up stairs to their bedroom. 

A sigh of relied left Derick's body as he rushed to the closet to get Sasha who was frightened. 

"You have to go now" Derick told Sasha who was more than happy to get the hell up out of his home before his wife find out which indeed was way too late. 

Turning around to lead his mistress to the door Derick was greeted by his exhausted wife who came down stairs to grab a glass of water.

Calmly walking away from the two of them Amy returned back moments later hiding something behind her back. Derick and Sasha both looked at each other confused as hell. 

"Honey I could explain" 

"Yea he could explain" Sasha repeated Derick words as she tried to quietly reach for the rest of her clothes and belongings. 

"I knew what you were up to all along Derick, eager for me to go on my business trips, so excited to go to work, stopped touching me in the bedroom. I knew you were getting it somewhere else." Amy calmly pulled the gun from behind her back as she aimed at both Derick and his mistress. 

Not thinking at what she was about to do, Amy steadily Aimed the gun at Derick's head and pulled the trigger. Derick body dropped to the ground with blood gushing from his head. Sasha started screaming , frightened and shaking she begged Amy to let her go free pleading that she wouldn't tell a soul. 

"No mercy, no pain" Amy recited before pulling the trigger and blowing Sasha's brain out. Sasha brains splattered all over their kitchen walls. Amy walked over to their balcony and tossed the gun into the pool then walked back inside to clean up the mess. 

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