Reader x Various - Princess

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It was the day of your birthday and you were not in the spirit this year, mostly because the presents were always stupid.

"Hey, (Y/n), isn't it your Birthday today?" asked Reborn,

"Yeah,so?" you mumbled.

"What would you like?"

"I don't know, I don't really care anymore."


"I know this sounds ungrateful but I really hate the presents, they're always giving me socks or some kind of old machine, sometimes even toy cars.."

You remembered your birthday last year,you shivered at the thought,

"Last year was the worst, they thought it would be funny to hide a creepy old man in one of the presents, he tried to touch me, the old man lost all his teeth that day."

"Weird but don't worry, I'll make sure you don't forget this year's birthday."he said.

Knowing reborn you cringed,

"Please don't , I want to live many more years."

"See ya!" he said,

He got off of the park bench and headed to Tsuna's house.

You stared off into the sunrise,

"Creepy old guy..." you mumbled


"Why do I have to wear this big , fluffy dress?"you asked Bianchi.

"Reborn said it would be fitting for what he planned." she replied.


"There, now let's go to the palace he reserved ."

"P-p-p-PALACE!?" You cried, "WHAT IS HE THINKING!?"

---at the entrance

"Ok, have fun!" Bianchi said,

"Aren't you coming with me? You're a guest after all!" you said ,

"No, there will be no guests, just presents and today's celebrated princess ."

"....Come again?"

"Hehe, just go in." she said,

She bowed down to you and left,

"What was that for?" you asked.

You pushed open the big doors and stepped inside the garden,

"Looks like it's up ahead."you said,

You walked through the garden ,you noticed some flowers were not from Japan,

"Reborn..."you whispered,

You walked up the stairs and grabbed the door handle, you took in a deep breath,

"Here goes..."

You opened the door,

"What is all this?"you said in awe,

The room was decorated with a bunch of crowns and jewelry, the walls were pink and the chairs were all fluffy, and on them were stuffed animals,it looked like a little girl's room.

"Oh, hi there (Y/n)!" Said Dino, "Happy birth-"

"Do you know why the room looks like this? I thought there were no guests, why are you here? why am I in a dress?More importantly, where are my presents?"you asked,

Dino sweat dropped by the questions you asked,

"Um, I can tell you one thing, I'm your present." he said,

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2014 ⏰

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