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((A/N This is just another ATL fanfic. No shame. I am in strong need of an editor, and/or opnionator (is that a thing?) Let me know if intrested. Word count: 1379))

        Lets just get one thing straight, shall we? I am not a groupie. I did not travel with bands to sleep with them, I did not travel with bands to be near someone famous. I traveled for the music. I would drop everything I was doing, to grab my bags, and tour with my favoured bands. I was known throughout the band world as "Miss Constance Jones." Normally Jones for short.

        I seemed to get along nicely with everyone I was with, and I did have a small group of fellow followers I had. Grace was the one nearest my age, at a good ole' 23, same as I. She had that beautiful light brown hair, that was easily mistaken as blonde in the sunlight, in a mixture of curly and wavy. Her eyes as pale as her hair, though they were blue. Next we had Lexus, a small flirtatious girl. She was of no doubt hispanic background, with jet black large curls, and big brown eyes, surrounded by luscious eyelashes, she could easily win over any guy. And lastly we had the young Winnifred Lee. Who normally went by Winnie Lee. At the young age of just 18, she had the brightest red hair you would ever see. With striking green eyes. She was quiet as a mouse, but still got a lot of much-dreaded attention. These were my girls, and I would do anything in my power to protect them.

        I guess you could say I was sort of the leader of this particular group. They all seemed just as passionate for the music as I was, and agreed not to sleep around with the band mates. Drunk or otherwise.  

        I've been traveling with the band All Time Low sense I turned the age of 18, being a close friend of a friend, I managed to get close to the boys. Like I said before, I did not travel to sleep with them, I traveled to hear the music, to understand the music, to be one with the music. I jumped around from band to band, seeing different places, meeting new people. experiencing new opportunities, but I somehow managed to end right back with All Time Low.  

        I didn't spend time with the boys 24/7, and I wasn't always on tour. I did have a small home on the outskirts of Chicago, where I lived in a two room house. I had a cat named Oli, who was an orange tabby. The kind lady across the street would take care of him while I was away, which was normally half the year. My job was an on and off blogger, journalist, and music critic. I had brown long hair, that was often in a loose bun, or down draped against my shoulders. My eyes were hazel, and my nose was dotted with freckles.

        Grace had been staying with me for about a week, seeing how All Time Low would be in Chicago soon. We confirmed with the boys we would meet them backstage at the end of the concert. They seemed as excited to see us, as we were to see them. 

        The lights were dim in the dressing room as I helped myself to a nice water from the fridge. Alex was still in the middle of saying goodnight to the crowd, which was roaring with screaming girls. Grace broke the silence as she said to me, "Remember when that was us, Jones? 18 with nothing to lose? Meeting in that backyard concert of good ol' what's his name?"

        I chuckled and nodded. "Yea, those were the days eh? Stealing liquor, and wandering about the streets past curfew."

        The door opened, and Grace and I turned to look , where a sweaty Jack came strolling in, with a smirk on his face.

        "Well, if it isn't the stealing-parents-liquor god himself, Jack Barakat," Grace said and stood up. Jack held out his arms and wrapped her in a hug. I soon followed.

        "Jones!" Alex exclaimed seeing us as he walked in the door. He walked right up to me, picked me up, and spun me in a circle. I couldn't breath, but he seemed to take a deep breath and say to me, "Damn, you smell nice."

        I laughed and pushed him away. "Wish I could say the same about you, Alex. Jesus, you're a sweaty mess!"

        "Eh, what can you do, concerts do that." He shrugged his shoulders and turned to Grace. "Grace, you sexy bitch, come here and give me a hug!"

        With a laugh and a shake of her head she turned him down. "Not until you shower," she said.

        Zack followed in with his shy smile, and Rian with his bear hug. Grace and I allowed the boys to change in the dressing room while we went out and roamed the halls. The cement walls were smooth as the concrete floor. The lights above us flickered, but not one thing about this was creepy. The halls were busy as ever, of course. All Time Low was with three other bands, the newly famous 5 Seconds of Summer among them.  

        "Jones, lets go see what this new bands all about eh?" Grace said and looked over her shoulder to see me following close behind "I hear their Australian."

        I simply smiled and nodded, allowing her to lead. I got smiles from a lot of the tech guys, they knew who I was, and they seemed to like me. I waved back and said hello to everyone of them, remembering most of their names.

        We found the new bands dressing room and knocked.  

        "Come in!" We heard a man say, in a heavy accent. Grace looked at me and giggled a bit. We opened the door to see four boys sitting in the chairs squirting each other with water.

        "Er, hello.." I said to them not sure of how to react. I quickly pointed to Grace. "This is Grace, and I'm Jones."

        "Ah, the oh-so-famous Miss Constance Jones, and her lovely friend, Grace. It truly is an honor to meet you," a boy from asian... or was it hispanic descent coyly said to us. He lifted Grace's hand and kissed it. Grace giggled.

        "I'm Cal. And this is Ashton, Michael, and Luke." He pointed to each of the boys as he spoke his name. One had green hair, that was standing on all ends, messy as can be. That was Michael. Another had a bandana around his head, and blonde curly hair. That was Ashton. The last one he pointed to, Luke, had blonde straight hair, a lip ring, and piercing blue eyes I smirked at them and waved. They had much to learn.

        "You'll be joining us for tour then?" The one named Luked asked.  

        "Damn straight!" Grace said to him. "So you better get used to us!"

        "Oh, I don't think that'll be a problem," Michael said with a wink. Again, she giggled. What was with her? I haven't seen her fangirl this much sense we first meant One Direction. I shot her a look and she shrugged.  

        At that point we heard obnoxious knocking on the door, and Jack screeching at us. "Girlys, you in there? We're hitting the bus for subway and vodka, lets go!

        "Ah! Thats our cue!" I said to the boys. "We'll see you boys later! Bye!" I winked and turned around, heading out to the bus, excited. Jack was doing that to every door, announcing our attendance to everyone.

        I ran out to meet up with them, where Alex actually picked me up bridal style and spun me around. "Alex!" I said, I could barely speak because of laughter and surprise. "Alex! Put me down!" He carried me up the bus steps. I don't know how he managed it, but he did.  

        "Welcome home, Miss Constance Jones!" He said and plopped me down on the sofa. I looked up at him and laughed, the rest joining in. 

        "Christ, I've missed you guys" I sat up on the sofa and smiled. I was home, I was happy.

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