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        ((A/N Hello everyone! Thanks for a whole 9 reads! Stay with me, okay? I promise the chapters will get longer, and I promise more fluff and... other stuff (smut? what haha, I didn't say that *awkwardly laughs*) Comment, and you know the norm! I love you! Thanks for giving this hopeless dreamer a chance! Word Count: 1409))

        Lets just say that I don't really remember everything the next morning. I sat up from the sofa and rubbed my head. Jesus, I haven't partied that hard in ages. Without even having to look, I knew my hair was a mess, so I stick up in my normal loose bun. I was wearing a large sweater and no trousers. What I normally slept in, so no problem there. I grabbed a pair of jean shorts off the ground next to me and stuck them on. The boys would be up, and they would want breakfast.

        "Hey, instead of stopping for breakfast, mind if I just make it in the bus kitchen?" I ask the bus driver. I smile at him, and he nods.

        "Sure, but I'm pretty sure we have next to nothing in the mini fridge. Some beer maybe but nothing else."

        "I figured as much, can you stop at the next shop?"

        "Yea, I can do that, I'm in need of a stretch anyway."

        I smiled at him and went back to the sofa. I needed some pain reliever, and a nice pair of sunglasses. My eyes were closed, and I was rubbing my head. I felt something plop on my nose and I jumped. I opened my eyes, and everything was darkened.

        "In need of a nice pair of sunglasses m'lady?" Alex asks. I chuckle, nod, and fix the glasses, so they aren't tilted.

        "Thank you. So much. These are lovely!" I reply to him.

        Leaning back and putting his arms behind his head, he said to me. "Damn, Jones. You got smashed last night! You couldn't even remember where you were!"

        "Yea, sounds believable. I can't remember a thing.." I quickly look over at him. "I didn't do anything regrettable, did I?!" He looks at me with a devious smirk and an gleam in his eye. He leans in close and nips my ear.

        "That depends on what you consider regrettable..." He whispers seductively.

        "Alexander Gaskarth, what did I do?!" I stand up quickly, making my head spin. I attempt to spin around and glare at him, but just end up falling on my ass. Not the best way to make a point.

        "Jones, relax. You didn't sleep with anyone, I promise." Alex still had that gleam in his eye, and I didn't trust it. He helped me up, only to have me fall on his chest as the bus lurched to a stop.

        I blush and push myself off of him. "Sorry about that.." I awkwardly scratch an invisible scratch behind my neck and look out the window. We have arrived at the shop. "Um, you make yourself and the boys some coffee, I need to get some stuff from the shop."

        Alex only nods and turns to the bus driver. Asking him when we were stopping for breakfast. He responds that we weren't.

        The interior of the shop was nice, and cool. My flip flops hit noisily on the tile floor, and my fingertips touched the shelves softly. My head was drumming, and the light hurt beyond all possibilities. I walked thru the halls at a slow pace, grabbing Tylenol, a new pair of sunglasses, eggs, bread, bacon, and orange juice. The cashier was chewing gum obnoxiously, and seemed to stare at me.

        "Is this allll?" She drowned out her 'all' more than necessary. That seemed to bug me more then it should.

        "Yea, thanks." I say. She bags the items in a plastaic bag marked with "Thank You!"

        The bus doors open for me and I walk up the stairs. Alex is on the sofa, but other then that, no one seems to have awoken. I start working on the eggs and bacon, as we begin to move. I grab the counter ledges in hopes not to fall, getting my bus legs back is going to take alot of time.

        The boys start to pile out, one by one, and thank God, quietly. Grace hadn't come out, I assumed she crashed in an empty bunk, or somthing. But it appears otherwise.

        "Guys... where's Grace?" I asked sternly. I had the spatchula in my hand, and I was glaring at all of them.

        "She hitched a ride with the 5 Seconds of Summer bus, she's fine, don't worry." Rian said, assuring me. I nodded, taking his word. Rian was an honest man, and I knew he wouldn't let anything weird happen. But why would Grace go with them? I shrugged my shoulders. She's a big girl. She can handle herself. Plus she had my number incase of any emergency.

        The bus ended up stopping again soon. Before I had the chance to serve everyone their breakfast, they all piled out to stretch and walk around. I was content with being alone. Well, at least I thought I was alone. I feel a pair of arms wrap around my waist and thumbs tuck into the front. I instantly straighten my back and become rigid. I peek over to see Alex smirking, and looking at me. I instantly blush. What was he doing? And why wasn't I stopping him? I look down at the spatchula, my knuckles were turning white.

        "Alex, what are you doing?" I ask him, not looking over.

        "Holding you." He replied simply.

        "Oh," is all I could reply.

        "I'll stop if you want me too, It's up to you.." He said chuckling. His head was resting on my shoulder, and I could feel his chest moving with every breath. Did I want him to stop? Of course I do! Right? Why was I conflicted? Would it be considered groupie if I actually cared about the person? Before I actually had time to consider my answer, someone came up the steps and joined us on the bus. It was Jack.

        Alex quickly takes his hands off of me and clears his throat. Jack looks at us and just stares. My face grows hotter and redder by the moment and I'm not even sure what to do.

        Zack jumps up behind him and puts his hands on his shoulders. "Gunna stand here all day or move? I kinda need to get through

       "Uh.. Yea. Right, sorry." Jack says and continue to stare at us. I look away and resume cooking. He ended up moving, and sitting himself at the table, opposite of Zack. Rian and Alex sit on the sofa. I peek over at Alex, and he's acting like nothing happened. I turn my gaze over to Jack. He's staring at me and smirking. I quickly turn my gaze back to the eggs. They're done. I place three on each plate, along with a large amount of Bacon. Now, the toast was the most difficult. The boys didn't have a toaster on the bus. I use a makeshift one out of the stove. Flipping it when it gets done. By the time I got all the food served out, my mind had calmed down a bit. But I still didn't look Alex in the eye.

        "Jones, this is seriously perfect. Taste sooo much better than McDonalds," Zack said to me. I laugh.

        "Thanks, Zack. I guarantee it's a lot healthier than McDonalds, too." I said to him and smile.

        "Awwe. Look at that, Jones is playing the role of Wendy, making sure we eat healthy" Rian seemed to say mockingly.

        "Wendy?" I ask. Taking a bite of my toast.

        He nods. "Yea. From Peter Pan. We'd be the lost boys. I find it fitting."

        "Stop being a faggot, Rian." Jack says to him and throws his bread crust. I quickly look over at him.

        "Oi! Jack, clean that up!"

        "See!" Rian said laughing.

        "Oh. Yess mother." He says in a very sarcastic manner.

        I roll my eyes and grab a water. "Can you boys manage cleaning up?" I ask. They've turned their attention to the T.V. No one turned to look at me. But Rian gave me the thumbs up. I shrugged and decided I trusted them. I went to head off to the bunk room, hoping to sleep away this hangover. I chose Alex's bunk.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2014 ⏰

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