[ 1 ] ~ Biker Boys

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“Why is Christmas so fucking special anyway...?" Max scoffed as we made our way over to the shaded grandstands.

"Because, people are greedy, and Christmas is about giving, and/or receiving. Mainly just receiving these days. All people do is want, want, and want..., but they're too careless to give and return..." I shrugged.

Max paused and looked over at me, then he smiled and nodded slowly. "You know what, that is so true..."

I snickered. "Yeah."

We walked over to the first grandstand and exchanged a challenging stare.
The race was on.
We quickly struggled our way up the rows of chairs, headed for the top row. We laughed as we shoved and tried tripping each other, both of us desperately trying to win.

Finally we made it to the top, and I'm pretty sure it felt like a tie, so we stayed quiet to prevent an argument.

I sat down first, carelessly of course, because we were no longer in a hurry. He plonked down heavily beside me, crashing down on the seat, his whole side banging hard against mine, nearly knocking me over.

He laughed and scooted over a little to give me more room. Then we both turned our gazes to the loud noises of the dirt bikes.

We were at a motorbike club, we loved watching these people race, crash, and then get our eardrums blown out because of how loud their engines were.
Max and I loved our bikes.

"This is going to be awesome!" Max cried as the first lot of riders reeved their dirt bikes.

I watched in awe as they floored it down the dirt track, following the leader, right around the curves and down the track, catching the attention of pretty much everyone.

Their engines were angry, hot, and loud, slowly deafening me. I expected at least one of them to slip as they made their sharp turns around the corner.

As they skidded passed the curve, they put their legs out as the bottom of their boots dragged gently across the dirt. Unfortunately, all of them made it.

Max jumped up and hollered, clapping and cheering. "YEAH! GO PHOENIX!"

Phoenix was our other mate, he too loved his bikes. He's the one that got Max and I into all this stuff.

The riders were all at least 17 or 16 years old, and these boys (plus that one girl), were very fucking reckless.

It was like they all had cyanide and mud pumping through their veins, and were living off adrenaline instead of water.
Their motto was pretty much; "Live Hard And Die With Honor," or "Live Safe, And Die Without Pride."

They did 3 laps, then out came the little boys, on their adorable little bikes. Their engines sounded like an oversized swarm of bees. It was so fucking cute.

The last kid started off slow, and he nearly stacked it a few times on his way around. He was probably my favorite.

After the little one's left, the 11 year old boys started. Revving their bikes aggressively,  waiting for their turn to start.

These kids were particularly hungry for adventure, pure adrenalin junkies, and were the most reckless, careless, death defying show offs there is.

One of these idiots nearly crashed right into a safety cone, and another nearly collided with the safety fence.

Max shook his head in disapproval, but I just sighed and pat his back. "Don't worry dude, Phoenix is back..."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2018 ⏰

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