Prologue - The Meeting of Two

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It was a clear, cold night in November. Everyone was in their warm beds, sleeping the night away, happy with their lives. Except for one.

A small boy, no older than four years old, was sitting on the swingset in an abandoned park in Little Whinging, Surrey. His medium length, dark red-black hair hid his face from view, but you could see the tears falling into his lap as he tightened his grip on the swing. The small boy, much smaller than others his age, was wearing clothes much too big for him and wasn't protecting him from the cold night. He was shaking from the cold and silent sobs, as he had been taught to be as quiet as possible.

The child never noticed the young man that was staring at him through the metal fence, wondering what to do. The gate was locked, and yet the child was inside of the park. And the young man absentmindedly wondered how the child got into the park.

The young man did not look much better off than the child. But he seemed to be more happy about it. He wore old, worn clothes that looked like they haven't been washed in weeks, which was probably true. His long, black, darker than night, hair tied in a high-ponytail that reached the small of his back with his bangs hiding the left side of his face and most of the right. His icy blue eyes spoke of cool intelligence, cold experience, calm understanding, soft concern, and warm kindness as he stared at the pitiful child.

He looked up to the top of the night sky, as if asking why. He sighed, looking down toward the sidewalk as he did. He took off a faded purple backpack and picked up a gruff, black duffel bag, pushing both through the iron barred gate. He turned around and started walking a couple feet away from the gate.

The small child looked up when he heard the footsteps, barely catching a glimpse of an adult figure walking away from the gate and into the shadows. He looked to the foot of the gate to see the two bags that the young man had left. The boy stood up in confusion, before hearing the sound of running footsteps. He looked beyond the gate to see the figure running towards the gate, and started to panic as it looked like they were going to run head first into it. But watched in shock as the figure jumped over the fence like they do in the Olympics, and he still stood there, shocked out of his mind, as the figure flipped himself around to land on his feet in a crouch.

The young adult stood up with a smile, happy he was able to jump the gate. He looked up to see that he was being watched, and smiled kindly to the small boy. He walk over to his bags and picked them up, aware of the tiny being that was watching his every move.

The child was confused by this adult. No one had ever smiled that kindly at him before, especially an adult male. Sure there was that old lady that lived next door with the cats, Ms. Figg, did but she didn't count since she and her cats were creepy. She always had that look of pity and finely concealed fury, and he didn't know where it was directed. But this man looked at him in concern and kindness, not with pity or sadness. The child was curious, why did this man jump the gate and look at him with kindness? The child was used to seeing concern, but not kindness. The young boy was pulled out of his thoughts as the young man moved toward the swings at a slow pace, and he tensed when the young man was halfway to him and the adult stopped walking to stare at him in sadness and understanding. Those emotions confused the boy further.

The young man stared at the young boy, who was tense in front of him. He rubbed the back of his neck in a nervous nature, looking to the side as he contemplated what to do next. He slowly slide his bags off of his arms and they landed next to him. The older male sighed and fell to the ground bonelessly, landing on his back with his eyes closed. His eyes opened to stare at the night sky above them. He was taking the same approach to this kid as he would a scared and wounded animal, and he sighed silently at the disheartening thought. And now he just had to wait and see what the child did, and he closed his icy-blue eyes to do just that.

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