Until Midnight

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She drummed her fingers on the table irritated by her current position. Aranaya had spent the last two hours watching her best friend Layla drink herself into a stupor. She had fiancè troubles. Apparently he'd been cheating on her, but then Aranaya had warned her that Eddie was a fuckboy; she just didn't listen well, if at all.
"Why her?" Layla slurred as she slammed the glass bottle down on the table "ANOTHER!!!" she demanded as onlookers shot disapproving glances their way.
"I think you've had enough Lala let's go get pizza and call it a night" Aranaya insisted.
"But I don't want pizza, also i'm not a telebubby..."
"Teletubby" Aranaya interjected, correcting her intoxicated mess of a friend. God forbid that she ever find love, if this is what it looks like she'd rather become a crazy cat lady. She'd already had a lifetime of pain, plus this didn't look like the romance you saw on television. It made Aranaya realise that maybe real love didn't exist at all.
"Come on!" She picked her friend up and put her arm around her to steady her as she managed to help her stumble out of the bar they frequented when in need. The cold night air bit against her cheeks as she hailed a taxi with her spare hand. She knew she wouldn't be able to carry Layla all the way home, the girl might be petite but she felt like she weighed more than two suitcases filled with rocks. A black cab pulled over for her and she managed to clamber herself and Layla into it. She gave the man their address and sat back. It smelled of stale air and vodka but she couldn't complain, at least she wasn't walking. The streets of London whizzed passed, shop fronts were illuminated but dark inside, still and silent compared to the day time; which literally bustled with life and avid shoppers. Now the streets were calmer, filled only with the few youthful searching for the perfect night out. The orange glow from street lamps brightening the streets as the night sky enveloped them in a snug blanket of blackness, no stars shone tonight save for one that seemed to stir a feeling in Aranaya.
She couldn't quite put her finger on what that feeling was, but she'd figure it out eventually.

It took twenty minutes to get home and another fifteen to get Layla up the stairs to their two bedroom dingy apartment. It had one small bathroom and a kitchen counter that seperated the kitchen from the living room. It wasn't much for the extortionate price they paid, but it was home for now. Aranaya had helped her friend to her bed and shut the door behind her. She knew Layla would wake up regretting everything, so it was lucky that her best friend had her back and took her phone, leaving it on the wooden coffee table in front of the television. The last thing that needed to happen was for Layla to start texting Eddie.

After changing into a baggy hoodie and some shorts, Aranaya opened the sliding door onto the little balcony that only allowed for two very tiny people to occupy at any one time. The gentle wind made her hair wave as she leaned on the black metal railing. The cool metal was sturdy at least, more sturdy than Aranaya's life plans anyway. She had never really had much direction, ever since she lost her parents she had felt like it was pointless making plans, because tomorrow she could die after planning to go to a party. She was a spur of the moment kind of girl, but she rarely lived enough to do anything in the spur of that moment either. She woke up went to work and then came home. Day in and day out. She only detoured if Layla begged and even then she would find an excuse to leave early. No Aranaya knew she wasn't really living life, she wasn't pursuing her passions and she certainly had no idea where she was going to end up.

She looked up at the sky, that same lonely star was still there. You were only supposed to wish on shooting stars but tonight Aranaya thought it might be lucky to wish on this one instead. What harm could it do? She closed her eyes and placed her small, unmanicured hands together.

Dear lonely star in the sky, i know i'm not supposed to wish on you, and half of the things I want I know you can't make possible, but I figure since you are as alone as I am in this world that i'd give this a try. So since you're just hanging in the sky there, I have one wish, that you give me the confidence to live again.

As she said those words in her mind, the world around her faded to black.


He sat in Genius lab, surrounded by the tools that helped him to create all those songs that just flow through his veins like his lifes blood. He was born for this, the love of his life could be considered music and he was lucky enough to live his dreams. But some days he just wanted to be still, to sleep, to not be disturbed or have to dance the same song choreography ten times in a row until his feet blistered. Of course he did those things for the love of his job and for Army, and of course not forgetting for his hyungs too; though he'd never admit to that. He was good at making music but considered himself useless when it came to expressing his feelings. If there was one wish he had it was that he could be better at telling people his feelings, but he'd had it so rough in the past that it had given him walls of armour and thick skin.

He was struggling with this part of the song, that even his last notes weren't helping. Frustraited he threw his pen down and grabbed his leather jacket. When he needed to think he had a place to go. On his way out of Genius Lab he bumped into Jimin, who was yet again at one of the hyungs studio doors pressed against it as they did a vlive. Suga chuckled and patted him on the shoulder. "Oh... hyung, where are you going?" Jimin asked curiously as he aborted his mission for a few seconds. Jimin needed a lot of attention sometimes, but Suga was lucky enough to have two doors and a black curtain to avoid him doing this to him though it did make him laugh a little when he tried. "For a walk. Are you bored again?" Suga asked him knowing full well he was. "I want to be in Hoesek's vlive too" Jimin gave that angelic grin he always gave to armys and Suga just nodded. They didn't call him motionless min for nothing. It was so hard to read him sometimes, even harder for his hyungs on some days, but they had a lot of patience, something that he was grateful for. "Well have fun" Suga walked off leaving Jimin too it. Hopefully J-hope let him be in that vlive like he wanted.

He used the fire exit and headed up the stairs two at a time until he made it to the roof. He always came up here when he wanted to think. It was calmer up here than it was on the street below. Filled with people and cars. He shivered at the thought. Too much static for him somedays, that was how he felt about the world sometimes.

He stood with his arms outstretched head back, his eyes to the sky. "Give me some inspiration!" He pleaded with the sky, he normally had plenty but tonight it wasn't working. He felt a little defeated and let his arms flop to his side. "Ah, come on genius why are you not working right tonight?" he sighed as he looked back the sky. He noticed a lonely star and smiled briefly. He felt strange when he looked at it, like his body had a small electric current flowing through it, like the star was calling to him. "I wish..." he chuckled and shook his head. "What am I even doing?" He placed his hands in his jean pockets and sighed. Was he really about to wish on a star? He couldn't believe it himself, if his hyungs found out they'd laugh about it, the thought of Min Yoongi wishing on a star was peposterous. "Ah what the hell" he sighed and closed his eyes.

Dear star in the sky, I wish for some inspiration tonight so that I can rest for at least a day.

As he thought his wish, everything disappeared and the world around him faded to black.

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: May 03, 2018 ⏰

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In Suga's Body / FF MYGTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang