chapter one

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~~~Chapter One~~~
It was the midnight of April 13, 2014, when Jessica Amelia McKurtney, a 15 year old girl, was dozing off in the front seat of her parents' mini cooper beside her father. It just so happens that she just attended her best friend Genevieve Bentley's debut. Jessy is an introvert and would easily prefer being at home and going on Tumblr rather than walking or going anywhere, but Genevieve was special. Genevieve was Jessy's best friend, which meant that they would never leave each other's side. They were close enough to one another to call each other "sis" and not see a flaw in the nickname. The two were bonded by a strong friendship, and despite their differences, they couldn't be more of the united pair they are.

Genevieve's debut was celebrated at her house, which was a European styled mansion. The house was tidy, a bit bland but subtle touches here and there helped in making it seem tasteful, elegant, and becoming all at once. It had dozens of pink balloons, streamers, and everything a grand debut needs; all laid out neatly inside and outside the house, making it presentable to the public in more ways than one. When Jessy arrived during 7:00 P.M. (the party was to start at 8:00 P.M. and end at 11:00 P.M.) at the front of Genevieve's home, Genevieve came out and ran to greet her.
"Jess! I'm so glad you made it!", Genevieve exclaimed while running towards Jessy, her arms instantly opening wide in a gesture Jessy was all too familiar with. Jessy sighed under her breath but accepted the gesture with open arms, literally.
While embracing one another, Jessy spoke ,"So am I, I was actually shocked when dad allowed me to come, but why'd you make me wear civilian clothes when we're celebrating your debut?" She says, finally letting go of each other's shoulders.
"I knew you'd have to buy clothes because you've never attended parties-"
"Ahem. Even though I seem a tad bit anti-social, I've been to birthday parties-," Jessy tried explaining but was rudely interrupted but her friend's sudden outburst.
"I know, but you've only worn pants and t-shirts to every single one.", Genevieve whined. Even though Jessy didn't get to finish her statement, her friend had a point in her reasoning.
"True. Continue."
"Mom said that all the guests were told that they could only wear semi-formal or formal clothes."
"Well how could you expect me to just have a cocktail dress lying around somewhere in my closet when I'm mostly at home?"
"I know. That's why I made you wear civilian clothes so you wouldn't have to buy anything."
"What will I wear then? Speaking of clothes, why are you wearing civilian clothes yourself?"
"Is walking around easier with a huge-ass gown?"
"No. But still-"
"We'll get dressed up, don't worry. Mom hired stylists"
"Okay but, what if nothing fits me?", Jessy asked, being insecure of her shape.
"Shush. We're both equally chubby so I'm pretty sure I have lots of clothes that'll fit you. Follow me." Genevieve took hold of Jessy by the wrist firmly and began tugging her inside.

Genevieve lead Jessy upstairs to her bedroom. On the way, Jessy seemed to have felt the need to keep stopping and complimenting on every little thing she sees inside Genevieve's house . Upon entering Genevieve's bedroom, her host had told the maids to call the stylists and to tell them that they're ready. Genevieve's bedroom was a large, rectangular room and inside there was a huge bed that was three times the size of Jessy's, which was a regular bed with everyday necessities. When the stylists entered Genevieve's room, the two were busy entertaining themselves with a friendly, heart-to-heart pillow fight. The girls were giggling and enjoying themselves but when they finally took the time to notice the awaiting stylists, they abruptly stopped and tried containing their laughter. The stylists beckoned the girls forward and made them sit in front of Genevieve's dressing table and proceeded to style their hair, face, and wardrobe.

Once the stylists had finished styling the two, they had looked stunningly beautiful. Jessy had a pulled-up bun hairstyle and was wearing a black sleeveless dress that complemented her skin tone and her oval figure. All the while Genevieve was dressed in a white short-sleeved formal dress (which went well with her fair skin) with a small purse that held her belongings and with hair styled in long, dark colored swirls tumbling down past her shoulders and meeting about midway into her waist. Her hair looked elegant like a beautiful, young debutante should appear to be as before the public.

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