A New Begining (prologue)

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Song: Gypsy by Fleetwood Mac

I was so done with my life here. When my mother and father sat me down telling me I was going to move away to America to live with my cousin I burst into tears, tears of joy. I don't think my parents have seen me so happy for weeks. Maybe one day I can forget about this.


The taxi pulled up in the drive and I paid the guy what I owed him. It was 12am and I was super jet lagged.
I pulled my bag up to the front door and rang the bell. Rubbing my eyes and yawning I waited patiently. The door opened with a wide eyed Beth and Aunty Cathy.
"Sweetie it's so good to see you!" My aunt pulled me into a hug kissing me on the head.
"Hey guys. Long time no see eh?" I responded smiling.
I turned to Beth and noticed how different she looked from the last time I saw her. She looked so... shy? That's not the Beth I know.
"Hey B." I grinned and embraced her in a hug.
"Hey Jess." She whispered in my ear while hugging me.

"Come on in! Tell us about your flight then hop to bed." My Aunty said as she shut the door to the neighbourhood.
"Well the flight was pretty dam boring if you asked me ..."

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