The next morn- afternoon #3

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Song: High by Peking duk

I was awoken by a knocking on the door.

"Uh." Groaning and rubbing my face probably smudging my makeup even worse, I lifted my head and saw Beth still passed out on the freakin stairs! How? How is she doing that that must be so uncomfortable.

The knocking persisted and I groaned again yelling, "Alright! I'll be there soon!"

Just the thought of getting up made me cringe. I pushed myself up and immediately fell back down and onto the staircase where I fell down the stairs tumbling right pass a sleeping Beth.

Once I made it down the staircase I was rolling in pain, Beth was still sleeping somehow and whoever was at the door would not stop knocking.

"For fucks sake stop knocking!" I shouted and the knocking stopped.

My yell must have finally woken up Beth as she jumped in fright and slid down the stairs rather gracefully.

How? I stared at her in bewilderment as she glanced around her then went right back to sleep.

The knocking started up again.

"Oh for Christ's sake." I mumbled finally pushing myself up and groaning in pain.

I walked (more like crawled) to the door and opened it.

"What!?" I yelled in the young boys face.

His bottom lip began to quiver. Oh shit.

"M-my d-dog ran away and I-I was w-wondering if you'd s-seen him?" The boy stuttered out with teary eyes.

I didn't know if it was I that had caused him to start crying or the thought of his dog missing. Either way he shouldn't be knocking on someone's door this early in the morning.

"I'm so sorry for yelling, and no I haven't seen your dog but if you give me a picture I'll keep my eye out for him." I said staring down at him.

He nodded and gave me a flyer with his dogs face on it and ran away.

Groaning once again I shut the door and glanced down at Beth.

Jesus it could be the end of the world and she'd still be sleeping.

I looked at the clock on the wall and noticed it was 3!

What happens to the morning!

Well shit. I need panadol asap my head is thumping and my body hurts from not only sleeping on the floor last night but from falling down a flight of stairs. Nice to know my family cares about me.

I  nudge Beth awake and she woke up surprisingly fine.

"How do you feel?" I asked still moaning in pain.

"Fine." She simply answered.

"Fine!? You slept on the stairs!" I said bewildered.

"Hm." She shrugged and nodded her head like it was nothing she hadn't already done before.

"Well while you where busy playing sleeping beauty I was awoken by a dwarf who wouldn't stop knocking and then I fell down the stairs!" I shouted.

She just sat in the floor blinking her hazel eyes at me and suddenly bursted into a fit of laughter.

"Hahaha! You idiot!" She laughed out.

It was about five minutes until she finally stopped and wiped away supposed tears.

"It's not funny I could've seriously injured myself." I exclaimed.

"Yeah yeah whatever." She said waving it off like it was no big deal.

"Well Excuuuuse Me-" I said with my hands on my hips before I was rudely interrupted.

"Let's go out. I could really go for some food. Oh and a swim! Let's go to the beach!" Beth said excitedly rushing off to her room.

How is she not hungover!

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