If only

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The shower had gone cold a while ago, and Mr. Robot was sat on the floor beneath him. Staring up at the ceiling Elliot found himself in a lost state. Everything was spinning. Maybe it was because of all the pills that he had swallowed while Tyrell was asleep on the couch.

 He didn't feel good about lying to Tyrell about it.

"If you need to throw up just do it" Mr. Robot sighed. "It's not that..." Elliot said.  Suddenly the room became blurry and Mr. Robot turned into a lump of different colors. "Kid?!" 

Elliot reached for the wall and felt his head hit the cold bricks. 

He woke up in a room with white clean walls and a somewhat piercing smell of death. Everything around him seemed strangely tall and big. 

"You killed him!" A wind came hitting him in the head. Elliot shook his head and found his gaze wandering off into a corner. 

A classic hospital bed stood by the window. 

Elliot moved towards the bed. His heart cleansing at every step. Walking closer and closer. His eyes became big and he almost fell backwards. 

"Kid?"  Mr Robot watched Elliot stumble backward in the shower. Elliot's face was reeking terror. "Elliot are you okay?" Mr Robot glanced at the door. "Kid" He tried again. "Elliot?" Fuck. "I'm sorry, I'll be out now" Mr Robot responded to Tyrell's worried voice. 

Elliot shook his head and tried to get himself out of the terrible thought. Suddenly the floor under his feet turned into a puddle of blood and behind him was Shayla with her precious face. She smiled before her head fell off. "Oh my god!" 

He woke up with pain in his head. Everything was blurry. Elliot shook his head a second time. He tried to find his clothes and put them on as well as he could. He couldn't breathe. A panic attack.

Elliot found his way to the door and opened it only to see Tyrell stand outside. He took a step and immediately fell, but got caught just in time by two strong arms. "Elliot, are you okay," Tyrell's shaky voice asked. "Elliot" He clung onto Tyrell's arm, trying to force the picture of blood out of his head. With a pain that almost knocked the air out of him, he held Tyrell's arm tighter. 

"What's wrong? What's happening, Elliot?!" Elliot felt the pain in his stomach and head raised. He threw up. The image of Shayla left his head. She wouldn't be proud of him.  With tears falling down his cheeks he dragged Tyrell down to the floor. The touch of the older man made him feel a little less shitty, but then Tyrell started rocking him. 

Elliot managed to get one hand on Tyrell's shoulder, and quietly whispered: "I'm fine"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 15, 2018 ⏰

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