Chapter 2

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Chapter Two

Back To Fairy Tail!


You wanna know the worst part? I actually enjoyed it...

Of course you did, I mean, it is me after all.

I'm going to Hell...

No you aren't. And if you are then I'll come and pick you up.

I rolled over in my sleep, pulling the covers around my body tighter, attempting to warm myself. I then kicked them off, getting too hot. The new heat caused me to roll again, stirring me from my much needed sleep. One eye cracked open, nothing. Then my other eye slowly opened as well, that's when I finally noticed. Yet again, our bed was on fire. I screamed at the top of my lungs and hopped off the bed. Sprinting to the closet, I pulled out one of the many fire extinguishers that stay there.

The amazing thing was, the entire time I was foaming the bed with icy cold foam, Natsu stayed asleep. It wasn't until I whacked him hard on the head that he woke up.

"Huh? Wh-what's going on?...What is this stuff?" He asked, sitting up and wiping some foam off his arm. He brought it up to his mouth, getting ready to taste it.

"Don't you idiot! It's probably poisonous!" I yelled, throwing the fire extinguisher onto the ground. Natsu froze and looked at me with surprise. Finally realize the situation, huh?

"L-Lucy... I'm sorry. I... I can't control it just yet but-" I groaned and stormed out of the room, grabbed a bag, marched back into the room and began packing up some clothes.

"Lucy... What are you doing? STOP!" Natsu shouted, jumping off the bed and trying to grab my bag from me.

"No! Natsu! You stop! This is the fifth time this week that you've lit the bed on fire, promised that you'd learn to control it and said that it won't happen again. I'm tired of trying to dodge all of your uncontrolable flames! I'm done! Come and get me when you really do learn..." I muttered the last part, shoving the last of my things into the bag before zipping it and walking away, leaving him standing there, sexy and shirtless, with a shocked expression on his beautiful face.

I whiped a tear that had slipped down my cheek. This really was too much to handle. I mean, any normal person would need a break after having to constantly jump into water or spray things with a fire extinguisher. It had been about two weeks since I found out about Natsu's new power. And literally every day there was something new and flammable that I had to dodge. And yes, the flaming bed was the most recent of those events.

Slamming closed the front door, I looked out at my open surroundings. Finally, I spotted the little pathway that lead to the nearest town. I did, of course, have to go through about ten minutes of forest before I got there, though. So, I headed towards the path.

Once I arrived at the town, I eyed all the signs for the train station. But since I couldn't find any signs, I had to ask around. When finally someone pointed me in the right direction. After I thanked him, I walked off in that direction. The entire time I was thinking of Natsu, especially why he didn't even come after me... I still would've left, but it would've told me that he truly does care...

You think I don't care about you?

Natsu's voice rang through my head, sadness and rejection obvious in his tone.

Sure feels like that...

Lucy! Don't... don't ever think that! Come back home, please..


Then I'm coming to get you.

Natsu, don't. I need time..

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