The Long Drive

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I walked out of the school. It was another shity day, like usual. It was one of those days where I just wanted to disappear forever. The only thing that was keeping me here was my best only friend. As I was walking towards my Dads car, one of the big, popular jocks jumped infront of me.
"Ugh, what is it that you want?" I say, as he glared at me. After a few seconds, his friends came out and stood behind him.
Fuck, they're gonna beat the shit outa me again. I thought. It had only been a week since he had given me a black eye and bloody lip.
I tried to make a run for it...that was a wrong move. The guys grabbed me and threw me to the ground. Thankfully my Dad saw and came to my rescue.
"Hey!" He shouted. Of course the guys didn't stop.
My Dad rushed over and pushed the guys aside, grabbed me and began walking away.
"Awwww...the girl has to be saved by her gay daddy!" One of the boys shouted.
That's right. I have two dads. Devin and Remington. I love them both, but I'm constantly bullied for having two dads...because it isn't normal. But I dont care. They're both super brave, as we live in an area full of Christians who believe gays should die. I'm so proud of them. As well as my brother, Ryan. He's also gay. It's a struggle...knowing that anyone in my family could be killed at any second.
I got into the car. Ryan's boyfriend, Vinny was with us.
"Hey Vin." I said as I forced a smile.
"Don't let those bullies get to you. They're worthless pieces of shit." Vinny said as he patted my head. Vinny was pretty much a human emotion detector. I loved the dude.
"Thanks. But it's really hard. I can't fight them off. They're too big..." I said as I closed the door.
"Then I'll go in and beat 'em up for you!" Ryan said.
"I don't want you to get hurt." I said. I loved my family, they were such nice and loyal people that were constantly being judged by the world.
The car started and we drove off. I dreamed of moving from this filthy town, and living my dreams. I always wanted to be a musician, just like my parents. Devin was the former bass player for the band Motionless In White, along  with two of my uncles, Chris and Ricky. And Remington is the singer for Palaye Royale ...that's right. My parents are rockstars. That's what I wanna be. Or an artist. They're pretty cool. All I want to do is start a new life, away from all these exophthalmic people.
"Hey, cheer up!" Vinny said as he leaned over and put his head in my lap. I giggled. Vinny was weird. I could understand why Ryan loved him so much. I hope everything works out with them.
The only good thing about this town is the scenery. We live right outside San Francisco, which means we're about 27 miles from the school. It sucks. Mostly cause I have to get up early. But the beach is pretty. I don't go there often just cause there's so many people and I always get sunburnt. Ryan loves to go there with Vinny though. I can understand why. The calming waves and warm, I'm more into forests. The lush green. The lakes, the rivers...the smell.
We pulled into the driveway. I grabbed my stuff and slammed the car door behind me. Dark clouds began to roll in which meant we were about to have a downpour. I stared out the living-room window, watching the raindrops hit the ground.
"I hate the rain. It always makes everything look so sad and lonely." My dad said. He was right too.
"I don't like it either, but we need it. It will help with the wildfires come summertime." Ryan exclaimed. My dad shook his head in agreement. All the rain did was remind me about school. Looking at all the dull colors caused me to break down. I tried quickly going upstairs to my room, but Vinny noticed. He always did. I just ran. I wanted to be alone.
Vinny knocked on my bedroom door.
"Go away!" I shouted.
"May I come in?" Vinny asked. I got off my bed and opened the door. I was ashamed and embarrassed.
"Sweetheart, what's going on?" Vinny asked. And yes, there are times where he calls me sweetheart. I don't know why.
"It's the people at school. After they saw Devin and Remi together I've been getting death threats. I wish they would just leave me and my family alone." I said through sniffles. My dad came up the stairs partway through the conversation. He walked over to me and hugged me. Vinny rubbed my back.
"What are they saying exactly?" My dad asked, knowing that I could sometimes be over dramatic. I walked over to a stack of papers under my bed and handed them to my dad.
"Here." I said, knowing that they would piss him off. Ryan came up the stairs as well.
"Emo fag. Go kill yourself. Your parents deserve to die. I hope you die. Faggot. Gay cunt." My dad read the papers out loud.
"Is this what's been happening at school?" Ryan asked. I nodded in agreement. He instantly got raging mad.
"Ryan, calm down" My dad said before Ryan could say anything...or worse, punch something. Ryan has anger issues and he's super protective. Especially over Vinny and I. I love Ryan as my brother, but sometimes his anger clouds his judgement. My dad is also protective, but in a calm way. I think he's only gotten violent once, and that was in self-defense. He's better with his words, but he doesn't talk much.
"You're not going to school tomorrow." Ryan eventually said.
"Ryan, she cant skip school. You know that." My dad replied.
"Well something needs to be done about those faggots." Ryan sneered.
"I understand. Let me handle it." My dad replied as he gave Ryan a small glare. Ryan didn't dare reply.

(Oof, okay, so I have the first two chapters done. PEASE send feedback. I always worry that my writing is bad lol. -Alexx)

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