Chapter 2: Betting to hard

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I got ready into my best outfit and i added the cutest color of lip gloss. 7 pm came pretty quick, and when i mean pretty quick, it was about 45 minutes away. We turned up all looking cute as hell. Especially Finn, he was all suited up in his tuxedo, his long legs and his shiny black shoes. I couldn't help but bite my lip and blush. I'm positive i saw Finn's eyes go big for about 2 seconds straight, but he rested his face after drooling all over my outfit. I know Finn's 15 and i'm 13 but who cares? It's only just a little crush, and i'm coming 14 in like 2 months. Just kidding. It's much bigger than that, bigger than Finn's belly. Even though Finn doesn't have a belly, it's just pure muscle. I giggled and sat down, "Okay guys, what you getting?" I said, taking my notepad and pen out of my pocket. "I think everyone will just have a coke." Millie said, looking around. "Actually, i'll have a water, thank you very much." Finn said, grinning. "You have to make it harder don't you?" I said, grinning back. I walked up to the bar tender, "Hey, may i have 5 cokes and a lemonade?" I said to the bar tender, grinning over at Finn. He handed me a tray of drinks and i walked back to the table after paying 16.50. I sipped on my coke slowly, "Lemonade? You serious?" Finn said, spitting the lemonade onto a white napkin. "Jeez you boring old sod, grab a life will you?" Millie said, nudging me in the arm. I choked and started having a laughing seizure. "SHIT!" i shouted, falling back on my stool. I ordered some hot spicy chicken wings, after waiting about 15 for them to come, i stood up and walked over to the pool table and immediately sharpened my cue with the green cube. "Hey where did Khloe go?" Millie said, looking around in confusion. "Over here!" i shouted. Finn scraped his chair back as he took a quick sip of his lemonade and ran over to the table and picked up a cue. "20 bucks says i can beat you easy peasy." Finn smirked. He put the money in the middle of the table and i put $60 in the middle. "That much? Guess i'm going to be leaving this pub with 80 bucks in my pocket." He smirked, winking at me. "I'm not that poor honey. I think there's a hole in your pocket, leaving the money to fall into mine." I smirked back. I peered over to Millie and saw Caleb, Noah and Gaten scoffing the chicken wings, licking their fingers as they go to grab another one. After plotting in all the balls, i finally won and took the money proudly, heading my way over to the table and brushing my shoulders against Finn's, smiling in his face. "Ready to head home? You can all stay at mine if you like, house is free until 3 pm tomorrow." I said, sharing out the money in 20's. "Fair square." I called a uber to come and pick us up. It was now 10 pm and i was getting pretty tired, we all jumped in and i told the uber driver to put some music on. 

We got to my place after 2 minutes of 'Paul Anka, Put your head on my shoulder (floreyyy remix)'. I unlocked the door, exposing a big, cosy mansion. "No way is this your house. It's SO big!" Millie said, running in and twirling around. "Gladly is" I said, winking at Finn. We all ran upstairs to see a big french door that leads to an outdoor hot tub and a pool. We went to the living room which has a beautiful white sofa and a big 80 inch tv that was attached to the walls. We sat down and got some blankets and cushions, i got some popcorn ready and some sweets that were stored in the sweet cupboard. Later on after watching a full series of Stranger Things, we ended up having a big party and throwing all the popcorn in the air. I also realized me and Finn were the only ones sitting down with the blankets covering our hands. But underneath was me and him holding hands. I awkwardly pulled away and got up, "Ice cream making anyone?" i said, clapping my hands together and looking around. We made some chocolate, rum and raisin, blueberry and strawberry flavored ice cream and it was now 12, we all went upstairs and i blew up some mattresses and got rose decorated duvet covers out of the airing cupboard, which was stored in my bathroom. "Okay guys there's 4 singles... and someone will have to share a bed with me..." I said, scratching the back of my head. "I don't mind sharing Khloe. That's if you don't mind sharing with me." Finn said, scratching the back of his leg. We got into bed and i turned on the roof opener, we all looked up at the ceiling. "Me and my dad always sat on top of my bed and gazed up at the stars until we fell asleep, he's gone now but i always use this to remember him. I was only three at this time and then he disappeared, only to find out last Christmas that he had died." I said, wiping a tear as i clutched onto Finn's hand. "Its okay, we're here for you Khlo." Millie said, hugging me from my bed. 

I soon awoke and my eyes were directly pointing to the bright sun, i heard the roof opener close, i sneaked downstairs without waking up the others and started to cook some bacon and sausages. I dished them onto a plate and threw the frying pan into the wash. I heard someone come down the stairs, only to find it was Finn. "Morning Khloe, mm smells nice." Finn said, stretching his arms out over me. He rested his arm on my shoulder as he watched me cook the bacon. "Are the others awake?" I asked, flipping the bacon. "They're getting ready to leave, but i have nowhere else to stay." He said, searching in his pockets. "Are you asking to stay here? Because if you are, its totally fine with me." I said, biting my lip. "Maybe, my mom doesn't get back till 2, so we'll have more time to... y'know? Hang out?" He said, winking at me. After eating breakfast with everyone, it was just me and Finn left alone. "Wanna go to the park?" He suggested. We went to get ready until i accidentally bumped into him, i smiled at him and looked down and headed to the bathroom. I popped on some mascara and brushed my hair out so it wasn't tangly.

"Ready?" He said, being a gentleman and opening the door, i shivered a bit and he laughed a little

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"Ready?" He said, being a gentleman and opening the door, i shivered a bit and he laughed a little. We walked to the park, clutching our stomachs as we push ourselves against the wind. We started talking about things and got to know each other a bit more, "So what happened to all that bitchiness like the other day?" I said, looking at him in the eye. "I don't really know, i guess i didn't really know how much fun you would be. It was like everyone, i didn't know i'd be friends with Millie, nor Gaten, or Noah or even Caleb." He smiled. We were about 10 feet away from the park, "Race you?" Finn said, smiling at me. I nodded and got my fast gear on. "3,2,1. GO!" We ran all the way to the end of the park, realizing i had won. It was the best feeling ever, i stuck my tongue out at him and held his shoulders and laughed. We calmed down and realized the awkward silence, we looked deep into each others eyes and we started to connect hands, slowly, we connected lips and before we knew it. We had kissed. I felt a spark of love going through me, kind of like butterflies. But this was much much better. I think i love Finn Wolfhard. 

Boom! second chapter done ;) did you uhm, like the ending of you and uhm Finn? -wiggles eyebrows- ;)))) WELP! bye Waffles! 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25, 2018 ⏰

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