A Picture in the Park

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She sits there on the step looking down, her long, ash blonde hair hanging over her face so I can't see her expression.  My heart is in my throat, my mouth dry.  What are you thinking, Gabriella?  We've known each other long enough that we can practically read each others' minds, but now I'm afraid of what might be going on in your head. 

She shifts and reaches her hands up to her face and her shoulders begin to tremble.  Is she crying?  Is she disgusted with me?  My stomach tightens and I feel bile rise to my throat.  Oh, god.  What have I done?  This was a huge mistake.  Things were so good.  Why couldn't I have just been happy?  We were happy for so long.  But I had to open my mouth and now I've ruined everything.

She suddenly drops her hands and flops sideways to rest her head on my shoulder.  "Oh, Tessa."

"Gabby?"  I still can't see her face, just the top of her head.  This must be it.  This is the end.  Her final goodbye.

She turns her face up towards me.  Her eyes are shining with tears running down her cheeks, but she's smiling at me.  She brushes a short caramel strand out of my eye.  "Tessa, I think I love you too," she laughs.

My jaw drops and my eyes go wide.  I can feel the tears welling up.  All the crushing weight I had been feeling is suddenly gone.  Then I laugh too.  I've never felt so good.

Gabby reaches up and gently pulls my head toward her and kisses my forehead before pressing it against her own.  Just a peck, but the sweetest kiss I've ever had.

And I continue laughing like that with my best friend as the sun begins to set across the park.


From the author:

This was just a little scene inspired by a photo I saw of a girl leaning on another girl's shoulder.  The photo was taken from behind, so it's hard to tell what was really going on.  I came up with several ideas and this is the one I liked most.  Hope you liked it.  :)

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