Writer Notes

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I am putting in writers note here because I am actively not so actively creating this story and didn't want to confuse the wonderful readers. I started this project with an outline type of story and have been overwriting the paragraphs with random thoughts. Please comment on anything and I will most likely comment back or rework that section. If you like something that is unfinished please let me know and I will add character, scene or action to the piece. Now how do I get others to read this??????

Change log

Added chapters - the advantage to doing this is so that readers can comment on chapters that feel complete and glaze over the parts in summary form. This will take some time to cut up the story into chunks.  

Updated the original Story by 2000 words.  After breaking into chapters I will add word count there also.  

Still checking grammar and spelling. Please help here as my mind reads over words like Quite and Quiet.

Ela and CinderWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt