Chapter 2

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"Oh, man. What happened?" Elaina said as she got up rubbing her head. "Uh, where are we?" She said. I looked down and saw a BIG FLUFFY DRESS ON ME! Grrrrrrrrrr. I hate dresses so much, in case you can't tell. I looked up and saw Tobi sleeping on a chair, and Callie was nowhere to be seen.

"Hey uhh, what happened" Tobi said slowly lifting herself off of the chair.

"Oh, we all got sucked through a weird portal thing and now you are all in a D&D game. And since I was the dungeon master, now I am kind of like the "god" in the game. Sorry to those of you who are not religious." Arya suddenly stepped out of nowhere and hugged me. "Oh my gosh I'm so glad we're all okay. I mean, what if you were all eaten by a dragon! Or worse, a goblin!" Heh, Arya has a phobia of goblins. Ever since she saw a picture of a gory goblin eating a werewolf. Let's just say no more internet for her.

"Guys? Are you okay?" Callie had just walked through the inn door holding some sort of tray. "I brought food." Callie offered.

"Mmm. Food. Mmm." Tobi grunted.

"Tobi!" I rushed over to my sister trying to see if she was okay.

"Food." Tobi begged. Callie rushed over and started force feeding her gooey, looking, I don't know what it is and I don't want to know what it is.

"Arya! Thank goodness you're okay. I mean I was the first to wake up and I saw you were gone and I panicked so I decided to go get food, and I learned that the owner of this inn found us on the street in weird clothes or as we call them: "trendy clothes". And then he brought up these dresses and I said "Sure." I mean, I wore a dress to the prom, and I guess I would in some medieval old timey village. Hoo. That was a lot of talking, even for me!" Callie said all in one breath.

"Um, okay... let's figure out what we're doing here." Elaina said.

"I'm going to get some armour at the nearest store for me and anyone who wants some." Tobi said standing up. "Wooow!" She stumbled and almost fell.

"October!" I screamed. "Are you okay?"

"Please, don't call me by my real name, I hate it." Tobi said.

"I love it." I said.

"Alex, can you go get the armour? I'm size 52 in womans." She said.

"Wait, how do you know that?" I asked. All she did was smile.

"Woman in this time don't fight. They sit still and look pretty." Elaina said.

"Well let's break that rule." Tobi smiled.

"Okay, I'll go get the armour. So, let me do the math. Men are about ⅕ bigger in sizes that woman, so ......... eh, whatever. I'll find a suit that looks about the size of you." I walked out of the room and asked the bartender where the nearest armoury was.

The bartender snorted. "Women do not need to fight. They wash dishes and clothes. But, if you are shoppin' for your husband, it's right across the way, little lady." The bartender directed me.

"Thanks." I smiled and left.

Jeez, this town is so sexist. Why can't women fight for themselves. We don't need a 200 lb man to protect us. And all of a sudden I got knocked over. "Whow!" I got up and saw this little dork in a wizard costume lying in the middle of the street. I ran over to him. "Are you okay?" I asked him.

"I am Steven the magical warlock of Burger Mister Mister Burger town! And I have came to save you little lady!" The little dork said holding up his arms like a arch above his head.

"Oh, well um, I'm fine I uh, don't need saving." I said.

"LEVEL UP! Steven you are now in level 4 for Dungeons and Dragons!" A voice said. Arya? Was that her voice?

"Yay!" The little dork Steven said. Then all of a sudden, splat. The little dork Steven had just been hit by a cart. The last word he said was yay. Poor little guy. Hadn't even lasted a day.

"Steven! You have died." Arya's voice said. I looked up and around and saw Arya leaning out of the inn's window. Oh, that's how I could hear her. She was right there!

"Orisys, you see a goblin had been driving the cart. What do you do? Fight the goblin or leave it be." Arya asked me.

"Leave it be!" Everyone whispered to me.

"I will..." 

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