Exciting News and other achievements :,)

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Under the Sea has won 3rd place in its very first contest, as of 4/23/2018! Thanks to the Phoenix Wars, I am awarded the lovely little banner above and a sticker for my cover that I will be putting on shortly.

I hope you guys love this anthology as much as I do, and apparently as much as they did! Thanks for reading!

credits for the poster go to @EurusAthena. Thank you!!
Here's a list of rankings since I posted:

#1 in nautical as of 3/1/19💛
#13 in lostcity as of 3/28/19💛
#15 in underthesea as of 3/9/19💛
#851 in Atlantis as of 3/9/19💛
#662 in Zeus as of 3/26/19💛
#38 in lore as of 4/7/19💛
This isn't meant to be horror but I might be throwing some spooks in there. Just so you know. Each part is its own story, and once they're posted they're completed. This is a little piece of my heart—please be kind to it. I hope you enjoy.

There has been a name change to this book. It is now titled Monsters Like Us because I would like to expand this anthology to all lore and mythology besides those that just relate to water.

Go to the next chapter to start reading :)

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