My life

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My name is Christina, Christinamehamoracadenza Sirius Jade Elsa Lillian James Remus Regulus Nymphadora Potter Arendelle Black. Yeah I know what you are thinking, 'Black? As in Sirius Black the mass murderer.?' Yeah my dad is no murderer. My dad's old friend Peter Pettigrew sold my Uncle James and Aunt Lily to Voldemort. I was sent ti live with my 2nd god father Remus Lupin. Now you my be wondering where my mum is. The truth is, I don't really know. All I know is that my dad's cousin Bellatrix 'killed her'. My mum is a queen and i am a princess. Anyway I am now 11 and going to Hogwarts. My Birthday is January 7 1978. I am 4 months older than my best friends Fred and George Weasley. I may or may not have a soft spot for George. Anyway back to me. I have massive thick long raven black hair and crystaly blue and grey eyes. Im average hight but on the taller side. Put me in a dress, and you've earned a one way ticket to see Merlin himself. I never wear makeup and the only jewelry I wear is the bracelets Fred and Geroge collect for me and the Icy necklace my parents gave me. I am just like my mum. I can shoot ice from my hands. When my mum 'passed' I was cursed with the power of Fire and therefore I am constantly sick every other month. Even though I never met my mum, I miss her very much. One day I'm gonna find her and dad out of prison. The royal family will rain once more.

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