A Moon Destroyed

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Four months later, my idyllic life was destroyed by a knock in the middle of the night.

"Derek!" Elias cried. I sat up with a groan and pushed the blankets away.

Worried that Elias would disturb Selena's sleep, I paused to kiss my mate's cheek and tuck a wayward strand of hair behind her ear before rising to face my Beta.

My face crumpled with concern, I opened the door to a panic-stricken Elias. "What's the matter?"

"Alpha, you have to run. We don't have time!" Elias stormed past me, rummaging through our things until he found several bags and began stuffing them with our belongings.

"Hold on─" I began.

"Elias?" Selena's soft voice startled both of us.

Scowling, I went to Selena and stroked her hair. "Good morning, love." I cupped her chin and gave her a soft kiss.

Selena smiled back, concern lacing her gaze. "Why is Elias going crazy, love?"

Shaking my head, I returned to Elias and grabbed his arm, stopping him from his frenzied packing.

"What is this all about, Elias?" I demanded.

Elias stood up and met my eyes. "Alpha, the Council just passed a law to kill all Vulgari who have taken a different race as a wife, and any of their children."

Selena gasped, placing a protective hand over her swollen stomach.

I focused my attention back on Elias and growled. "Why? What's wrong with them?"

"Something about a vision from the Oracle of Ilwania," Elias muttered in disgust. He returned to his packing with help from the now fully awake Selena. I stared at their frantic efforts in alarm.

"How dare she dictate our lives!" I thundered, pulling at my hair with both of my hands. I paced the room, every possible scenario playing out in my mind.

"Alpha, they're sending assassins from different kingdoms. We can't fight them. You need to go," Elias pleaded.

I squeezed my eyes shut. Elias was right. My pack was small, and not everyone could fight. Staying here would only endanger my people, and I would not risk the safety of Elias's mate and my pack. Quickly considering all my options, I settled on the only one that made sense.

Grabbing a knife from a drawer, I made a sharp incision into my palm.

"Alpha, what are you doing─" Elias protested but I grabbed his hand and made a similar cut, then joined our palms together, the blood mingling.

As I stared into Elias' eyes, his jaw clenched tight to prevent tears as I said, "I, Alpha Derek Hague of Black Claw pack, hereby surrender all my rights and duties as an Alpha of this pack, to Elias Stone, Beta, now promoted to Alpha." I pulled Elias in an embrace and patted his back.

"I wish you well, brother. Thank you for everything. I know you will take good care of the pack." I did not have time to say my farewells to the pack, so I trusted Elias to do the job for me. Selena and I picked up our bags, and I gave Elias one final nod.

We crossed the border into human territory, the only safe option to hide from Council's assassins. Five months later, Selena gave birth to two beautiful, healthy babies, our once barren garden of our new home miraculously sprouting roses, sunflowers, and daisies.

For twelve years we survived.

For twelve years we were happy.

Then they found us, and shattered my whole world anew.


Total Word Count: 3529

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