Am I Really That Weak?

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Luke's POV

Ps. They have 30 mins. before class starts

Me and Alec were just going to class when... two guys approached us.
J=Jake  LS=Lucas

J:Hey nerd and freak! Before we continue I am Jake and here is my best bud Lucas
LS:Where are you two going?
Al:W-We... ummm...
J:Hurry up freak!
LS:Nah! Let the NERD explain.
L:Well... um... t-to cl-class...
LS:See? Aren't nerds just fun? They answer quickly and are easier to push around.
J:Oh! Is that true?

Right after he said that he took off my glasses and dropped them but they didn't break then started to beat me while Lucas was holding Alec for him to watch me get beaten up.

J:Hah! Bleeding already! Weak!

After a few minutes, he stopped, left with Lucas, I had been closing my eyes to prevent from crying... Alec must have seen this, he tried to help me but I won't budge... I think he called Ranier.

Ranier's POV

Once I got a call from Alec about Luke getting beaten up, I instantly grabbed Darcy while she texted Gray and Fin about this and their whereabouts. We got there and we were shortly followed by Gray, Fin, and Aly.

D:What happened Luke?
L:... I...

His eyes were closed so I helped him stand, yet he was still keeping his eyes shut... but then I hugged him...

He was on the verge of tears! It was heartbreaking to see Little Luky like this... he is our baby bro... And we ALL want him to be safe.

He cried on my chest, most people would say that a man that cries is weak but no... a man who cries is strong enough to admit they have faults rather than hide it with their pride. Luke was to say... small, like he was the smallest out of his batchmates and physically the weakest among us five, but with experience... he is one of the strongest people out there.

He stopped crying and looked up to face me with now red eyes. The blood on his face before was now on my shirt and on his scarf

L:I... I-
R:Shhhh... it's okay...
Al:(Tells them the story on how they got  into this situation)

I paid attention to every word he said and every detail. Luke was still laying on my chest while I was rubbing his back gently. When Alec finished the story Luke stood straight and said something to us, his four older siblings while Aly took Alec to his class.

L:Am I really that weak?
G:No... You're not.
L:He easily beat me and that's just one... not to mention there's another one.
F:And? It's fine. You're not weak, you just prevent fights.
L:I tried to fight back and I still didn't get him off.
D:That's physically... not mentally.
L:So what? Hit him with a dictionary?
R:No... not intelligence... but how you took this... crying means that you have been strong for too long, don't say you're weak when you're most definitely not.
L:Thanks guys...
G:There's no need... now let's get you to the nurse.

(They leave)

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