Chapter 7

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... he said okay

You were getting excited, maybe too excited

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You were getting excited, maybe too excited. You felt as if nothing else was going on in the world. You felt as if Wyatt had planned this whole romantic gesture. But another question lurked in the back of your mind, what if it wasn't Wyatt? What if it was someone else? Could it all be a lie? Millions of ideas were going through your head. To get your mind off things you went on social media for a while, watched some Netflix and a few YouTube videos.


you brushed your teeth and put your hair in a ponytail, took your makeup off and put some pyjamas on, you lay in bed looking at the messages he had sent you and let out a small smile. You put your phone down, placed you head on your pillow and shut your eyes, you slowly drifted to sleep.


You had woken up really late around 11am and got something to eat, your mum had gone out to get you some new school supplies and your dad was at work. You went to the living room, sat down and turned on the television. You watched some TV for a while and then you began to look through a magazine. As you scrolled through you had gotten a message off Wyatt saying

You were thinking of an excuse to use, you really wanted to find out who that person was

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You were thinking of an excuse to use, you really wanted to find out who that person was. You thought for a while until you answered. You messaged him back saying

 Didn't really seem bothered and put okay and love heart, you did feel bad but you knew you just had to find out who the unknown number belonged to

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Didn't really seem bothered and put okay and love heart, you did feel bad but you knew you just had to find out who the unknown number belonged to.


Your mum had just got in and offered to take you to the park later on in the evening. You said "yeah, just don't wait. I can walk home" she nodded her head and walked away.

You had done some school work for the rest of the day until 5ish and you ate some food. After you had eaten you went and got changed into your black pencil skirt and a white tank top. You walked downstairs and watched some TV as you were on Instagram and saw a really cute picture of Wyatt and Finn, it made you feel bad that you weren't going out with him but you just had to find out who it was.


You got in the car with your mum and got a message of Wyatt saying that he hopes your grandma is okay, you had completely forgot that you had made up that excuse and you sat there thinking for a moment, finally you messaged him back saying "thanks" with a pink heart.

The car journey to the park was quite boring your mum had put on her favourite 1980's playlist, you had a few conversations and you also put a few of your songs on the radio.

When you got to the park you gave your mum a kiss on the cheek and said "bye mum" you walked out of the car and she shouted out of the window, "are you sure you don't want me to pick you up because I'm going to the Sun Dial restaurant with your dad and grandma, I can pick you up on the way back if you want me too" you said "no it's okay I will walk home" and you waved your hand and went to the main part of the park. It was only half seven so you just sat there on a bench and waited until eight you were quite nervous and began to look around the park and saw some really nice white flowers. Suddenly a hand had interrupted the view by picking some of the flowers out of the ground you looked up and you were in shock it was ...

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