Save Him Part 2

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Ness Pov

The boy gave me a weird look, then shook his head. I was determined to help him. He looked younger than I, but not too much. Around 11 most likely. I teleported to Jeffrey's location. He was in his lab, and shocked to see me alive. "Ness! I was just trying to find away to get to you!" He said, putting down what he was working on. "Ah, well, here I am. Listen, Jeff, that boy who took me," Jeff's face went sour as I said that, "He was hurt. I don't think he knows what he's doing." Jeff was about to reply, but then, the boy teleported to us. He wasn't going for surprise this time. He was going to attack, but luckily, Jeff shot him with a higher power tranquillizer. "Let's see if what you were talking about was true.," 

Jeff began studying the boy, and continued for what was probably hours before he found the issue. "Brainwashing." He said. "Programmed brainwashing." He seemed lightly shocked. He and I were honestly expecting something like this. "I.. might be able to undo it." I bite my lip at his statement. "I hope so..." He worked on the boy for an even longer time, the code was tough. But soon, the boy was freed, and started to stir...

Claus Pov

I felt sick. I could barely remember anything and felt absolutely sick. "H-hello?" I said as I slowly got up. Something felt off. I puked to the side. "?! My floor!" Cried one boy. "Oh my god! Are you alright?" Asked the other. I looked at the one who asked if I was alright immediately. "Y-yeah, I think I'll be.." I replied. "Good. Let's get you cleaned up." He offered me a hand. I was going to take it.. But I screamed and recoiled at the sight of my arm. "W-what happened?! What did you do to me?!" I looked down at myself, I didn't know what I was wearing, but other then that, I didn't see anything weird.. But underneath those clothes, by the skin, felt so weird. "Don't worry, kid, we didn't do tis to you, someone else did, we just tried to help.." The dark brown haired boy said. I looked back at him. "Then why can't I remember?" I asked. This time the gay looking one spoke up "Because, after reviewing the memories, I decided it would be best you forget them." He said, calmly, "Now, will you go clean up with Ness here?" I nod shakily and get up. The other, Ness, laughs. "well, let me escort you to the bathroom then." He walks out of the room, I follow. he opens a door, and we walk in. I go to wash off in the sink, and scream again. I'm surprised I didn't puke. My eyes are glowing red, no pupils or anything, scars cover my face, my teeth are sharp as daggers, metal travels down my neck, into my shirt, over my heart?! ... My hair grew into a near mullet, and my ears are torn. This is just great. I guess I have no heart or anything. Nice not to let me know. "You okay..?" Ness looks at me worriedly. "Of course- Just shocked-" Truth is, if I had a heart it would have stopped. I washed up. 

"Hey, want to come to my house, instead of the lab?" Ness asked. I reply, "Well... I guess." I honestly thought I should've went home, glad I didn't though. "Okay!" He grinned, took my hand, and the next thing I knew, I was in his bed room. This was going to be one of the wildest times in my life.

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