The Destiny child chapter 1

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Once upon a time, there was a little girl, about 5 years old in a family of seven. The parents believed so much in the greatness of their children and had the mentality that one of the ways to make this come to lime light was through education. They strongly believed in education and ensured their children were all sent to best of schools,not minding the cost despite their humble background.This little girl was the fourth child in the family. Making ends meet for the family was an herculean task, but their determination was resolute. The little girl had a passion to paint (art work) and developed so much interest in it, to the extent that she painted everywhere in the house with different colours. This was her practice, but unfortunately she was not supported by her family members. Instead,they always criticized and often maltreated her. The situation got worse that all her tools were seized from her and she was forced to read her books. She kept reading though she wasn't assimilating, because all she thought about was painting.

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⏰ Last updated: May 14, 2018 ⏰

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