The Past

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Past: (noun)

A part of a person's history that is considered to be shameful...



" Please don't do this I thought we were friends" I say with tears pouring down my face.

" I've been waiting to do this for a long time Momo, ugh you don't know how many times I've watched you walk through the hallways teasing me" He said with pure lust laced in his voice.

    I watch him as he starts to go down for my pants to pull them off. I try my hardest to fight him off, I'm not going down with out a fight. I wiggle and writhe under his grip praying to the gods I can escape. But I don't. I see him pull something from behind his back pocket. It's a syringe with some unknown light green liquid in it. I cry even harder, surprised at myself thinking I had no more tears left from the crying I already did.

                                                 End of Dream

" Wake up Momo, Momo wake up...MOMO GET YOUR ASS OUT OF THE GODAMN BED RIGHT NOW!!!!! "

   I wake up with my alarm clock blaring throughout my room. My mom standing with her hands on her hips and a spatula in it. I groan that's like the hundredth time I've had that same dream. I hate myself for not trying harder, f-for not doing something... anything. I take my covers off feeling the warmth and protection leave my body. I pad my way to my bathroom, starting my morning routine. I pull my hair up into a lose ponytail, carry on with the daily necessities. Brush your teeth yada yada yada. Today is the first day of my second year in high school. If you were to look at me you can see the nervousness and uncomfortable-ness oozing out of my aura.

     I walk down stairs to find my mom cooking breakfast and still raving on about earlier this morning. I didn't feel like eating a whole meal, so I tell her I'll grab some toast and leave. After glaring at me she finally let's me go. I'm about to leave my house when I notice I'm still in my pajamas. I run upstairs and change. I don't see my mom in the kitchen anymore, but in the living room watching her boring cooking shows.

   I head outside... fully dressed now. I put my head phones in and listen to music while I walk to school. I usually take the bus but, exercise is good and I didn't feel like it today.

   As I walk by I see him over there with his friends laughing and having a good time while I'm glum and angry for what he did to me. He sees me looking at him and smirks before telling his friends something and started his way to where I was walking... WAIT! He is coming over h-here to m-me. What do I do?


                                        TO BE CONTINUED

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25, 2018 ⏰

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