Schoolgirl Crush

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You laughed nervously. You thought in your mind " My first crush." He was so hot, you couldn't help but blush at the thought of him. His gorgeous fat body rolls, you were soon fantasizing about him. You didn't realize you hadn't gotten out of the store. You walked out of the store, still blushing intensley. You took the cigarettes out of your back pocket and gently placed a cigarette between your soft lips and flicked the lighter on. That's when you noticed him, your crush. He walked up to you, his gorgeous eyes followed your every movement. "God he's so hot." Oh no. You said that outloud. He looked at you and smiled. "Did he know" You said in your head this time. He walked over to you, you shifted nervously trying to fix your posture and hair. He said to you " Hey, I wanted to know where you got those A1 sauces." You replied with a shaky voice" Er... it was in the third isle to the left of the store." His lucious bleached tipped locks torturing you. He said " Thanks. I need it for lube... I mean "cooking". Hehehe." He walked away, his fat ass bouncing with his movement. You loved it when he walks away. You finally try and light the cigarette again. You daydreamed about him while you were giving yourself lung cancer. You love him. You want him. You need him. He was yours. You need him more than you need air to breathe. You snapped out of the daydream and put out your cigarette. 

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