First Classes

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Rio found her class eventually. She had taken a few wrong turns along the way but made it to the classroom, and knocked on the door.

A young woman opened the door, flustered and dropping a book, quickly scooping it back up and stepping out of the way.

"H-hello, I'm Ms. Heron, your magic teacher, please t-take an empty s-seat." Her hair was bright pink, her eyes almost matching, just darker. She wore her hair in a bun, a few hairs slipping out and falling to her shoulders. She wore a dress; it went to her knees and was a light blue with more purple designs to match the school, again. Her shoes were small flats, making tiny slaps on the floor when she walked.

Rio glanced around at the classroom, noticing large seats and big table in front of them. She took a seat near the front, only seeing one other kid so far.

She wore a hooded jacket that covered most of her features, but her hair stood out as being a light red color, verging onto pink. Her jacket covered her face and eyes, but she seemed tall, and she probably was, if it weren't for her slouching.

Rio sat down, pulling out a pencil and waiting for anyone else to come.

Ms. Heron closed the door, then looked at a small list on her desk, "Oh dear.. t-there's supposed to b-be a third st-student."

Just as the words escaped her mouth, a knock was heard from the door, and she scrambled over to open the door, nearly falling in the process.

There, stood the young man Rio bumped earlier, a bag slung over his shoulder. He was breathing a little heavily, most likely since he had run to avoid being late.

"I'm sorry, I got caught up in trying to find my bag." He stood tall, but was still a few inches below Ms. Heron, who nodded vigorously.

"It's f-fine, we weren't b-bothered." Ms. Heron stepped out of the way of the door and the boy stepped in, gazing at the room and locking his gaze with Rio for a split second, then returning to the empty seats.

He walked over to Rio's seat, then sat next to it, holding his hand out, "Hello, I'm Michael Trinn, nice to meet you..."

He paused, waiting for Rio to grab his hand and speak her name. She opened her mouth a bit and glanced to his hand, "What is the hand for? Are you mad at me?"

Michael stared, then pulled his hand back, "No, no, it's a way to say hello. You shake hands with people to say hello to them."

Rio nodded, "Okay... I'm Rio Habashi."

Michael nodded, pulling his fingers through his hair for a second. His eyes were almost the color of ice, a very light blue with flecks of silver.

Rio caught herself staring and turned away, watching Ms. Heron gather a few things and then stand at the front of the class.

"So, t-to be safe, we'll just call role a-anyways. Tasha Kalt?"

The girl at the back raised her hand, "I go by TK."

Ms. Heron nodded, "Michael Trinn?"

Michael lifted his hand as well, "Hey."

She glanced back to her clipboard, "R-Rio Hab-a-shi?"

Rio nodded, "Yes."

Ms. Heron then put the clipboard into a drawer, and visibly she relaxed.

"Welcome to the classroom for high Aparide students. Each of you has a higher Aparide than an average person, TK and Michael having six, and Rio with seven."

When Ms. Heron stated Rio's Aparides, both TK and Michael turned to her, TK exclaiming, "How do you have seven?!"

Rio shrugged, "If you would like to know, I am good with Fire, Dark, Lightning, Ice, Water, Life, and Light."

Michael stared for a second, "I'm good with Fire, Ice, Water, Dark, Life, and Grass."

TK stood quickly, grabbing what little belongings she had, and walked forward, sitting down behind Rio, and taking her hood off.

Her hair was very straight, and went down to her mid-back, looking like a very pale red. Her eyes were gold, almost hazel, and her features were very beautiful.

A loud knock sounded on the door, and Ms. Heron startled, walking to the door.

The headmaster stood with a young boy by his side. The boy had vibrant red hair and blue eyes. His shirt was purple, with a pair of matching sneakers, and his pants were khakis that went to his ankles.

"This is Jackson Avery, he's late due to weather difficulties in Canada."

Jackson looked through the room, looking at each person in particular. When he gazed at TK, he thought of a brat, but brushed it aside. Michael made him think of a jock, and he ignored that assumption as well. When his gaze landed to Rio, his eyes lit up. He may have just found his one.

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